Hebereke! Susume Red Army Girls Brigade

Flying Panjandrum

Exclusivo para PC

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Informações do produto

Flying Panjandrum
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Uniforme militar Comédia Militar 屈辱 しつけ Seios grandes
Formato do produto
RPGVozMúsica  / ミリタリーSRPG
Formato do arquivo
Exclusivo para PC
Línguas disponíveis
Comic Market 84
Tamanho do arquivo
Atenção quando reproduzir o jogo O aplicativo pode não funcionar a menos que um pacote de idioma japonês esteja corretamente configurado no seu PC ou a Configuração regional do sistema esteja definida para japonês. Para mais detalhes, consulte [ Como faço para definir a localidade do meu sistema para japonês? ] na página de Ajuda.

Sistemas compatíveis

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versão compatível.
Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10

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SO suportado
Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10
Mac -
iOS -
Android -
Diversos -

Conteúdo do produto

Russo-German SRPG meets bishoujo/hentai!
Command a vodka-loving leader and her troops to victory against the Deutsch.
Real locations and military gear, unit production, strategy......
Stat boosting and story developing with H scenes and skill trees......
Hebereke! is a wet dream of SLG, RPG and J-porn.

Sex scenes are fully voiced. The cornerstones of ero gaming are all here:
r*pe, S&M, bondage, and other hardcore.

From the Mosina rifles to the T-34 tanks, from Moscow to Kursk,
enjoy over 70 real world weapons and vehicles and 20 skirmishes based
on actual history.

* Is it a game or a history lesson?
The girls are separated into teachers and students who give lectures and go to school.
You'll learn as they do about Russia's military culture from the Eastern Front of WWII,
but if you hate such education things that's fine. Learning is a bonus for those
who are into it, but not a requirement to advance the game.

On top of the fun battles and adult themes there's a lot of comedy, too.
Enjoy the story of the silly, go-gettum Hebereke girls.
You can also filter out the hardcore imagery and play it as a standard bishoujo SRPG.
Suitable for adults and general audiences!

* 1800 hours worth of engrossing SLG content
* 25 CG base images (not incl. variations)
* H scenes fully voiced
* Battle voices included
* Battle themed BGM
* Original title song
* Scene and CG view modes
* Bishoujo (all ages) or hentai (adults only) mode
* Difficulty options
* Windowed or full screen mode
* Message skip, backlog features
* Voice, BGM, SFX volume controls

* Save data can be transferred from the trial to full game

Please visit the official site:

Campaigns and other events not approved or endorsed by DLsite.

Atualizar informações

  • 2015/11/12
    Revisão de preços
    Alterado de 2,500 ienes para 2,300 ienes.

Avaliações de usuários

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