Asagi, Let’s Be Happy

Aizawa's Butcher

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Informações do produto

Aizawa's Butcher
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Veterano / Novato (no trabalho, na escola, etc.) Romance e carinho / Docinho Ejaculação interna Musculoso Pênis grande
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Conteúdo do produto


A senior who's considered to be "perfect" attends the protagonist's university.

People call him "Asagi-senpai." He enrolled some time after entering the workforce, so he's a little older than other students. He's kind and thoughtful to everyone. A senior dotted with a beautiful heart and body. While he's gentle, he also appears to be somewhat detached from those around him and his private life is shrouded in mystery.

The protagonist, Sachi, has never been in love but has an endless array of sexual partners. This self-proclaimed "slut", ends up falling in love with Asagi as she gets bored of her current sex life. Urged by her newfound romantic feelings, the protagonist approaches the mysterious "Asagi-senpai" to ascertain his true self...

Sincere and single-minded guy with his head in the gutter x Slut who falls in love for the first time.
A story about trying to attain happiness with a senior who has given up on it.

Cover + 2 admin pages + 126 main pages + afterword + 4 rough draft pages = 134 pages total.

* This product is a creative work in its entirety and a fantasy depicted in a nonrealistic way.
* There are some injury and violence like you would find in any normal serial magazine, depictions more in line with male-oriented fiction and blatant display of genitals.
* There are depictions of consensual sex and use of contraceptives.
* There are depictions of consensual role-playing activities in the bedroom.


  • Asagi, Let’s Be Happy [Aizawa's Butcher]


    Senior who is a little bit older than the other students. A kind man who is admired by many people. His real name is Asayuki Iijima. Combines his work as a pianist with his studies. For some reason, it’s said that he tends to keep happiness at bay…? He can only get aroused through role-playing.

  • Asagi, Let’s Be Happy [Aizawa's Butcher]


    The protagonist of this story. Her name is Sachi Mochizuki.

    Has never been in love but has a high libido. Self-proclaimed “slut”. She ends up falling in love with Asagi at first sight and tries to ascertain his true feelings."

(English product description provided by a Translators Unite translator.)

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