【韓国語版】【思い出す音】道草屋-稲3 どろたんぼ。他【静かめ耳かき】

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Informasi Karya

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Pengisi suara
真宮ひいろ / 藤堂れんげ
Pembersihan Telinga Penjilatan Telinga
Tanggal rilis
Batas usia
Format Karya
Format file
WAV / MP3同梱
Bahasa yang didukung
Bahasa Korea

yang kompatibel

Unduh Penampilan browser
OS yang kompatibel
Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10
Mac -
iOS -
Android -
Lainnya -

Konten Karya

[Daytime] -------- Soil and Nap --------
In the evening, you play with two hostesses in a shrine.
And take a nap together.

* Please open the window and let the fresh air come in
to feel some nostalgia when listening to this part.

1- Worship 08:33
2- Open the Cap 02:38
3- Lemonade 08:03
4- Lying 03:47
5- Playing with soil 07:35
6- Smell of soil (loopable) 06:30
7- Nap 02:35

7 tracks: 39:44

[Evening] -------- Muddy Rice Field --------
On the way back from the shrine, you and the two make sounds
of grass whistle while seeing the sunset reflected on the rice field.

* Ideal for spare time that you feel somewhat asleep.

1- Let's go back together 04:16
2- Muddy rice field 04:50
3- Grass whistle 11:53
4- Way back 05:28

4 tracks: 26:29

[Night] ------ Snoozy Ear Cleaning ------
You and one of the two chill on a futon
and she cleans your ears slowly and listlessly.

* Very quiet, for sleep induction
* Ear cleaning sounds feel even more realistic!

01- Sleep the rest of the day 06:03
02- Twiddling ear cleaning 07:34
03- Quiet playbite (right) 05:47
04- Quiet playbite (left) 04:28
05- Deep into your ears 08:16
06- Slow ear cleaning (left) 09:09
07- Laziness / Wet cotton swab (left) 05:22
08- Slow ear cleaning (right) 06:05
09- Laziness / Wet cotton swab 04:38
10- Goodnight 02:27

10 tracks: 59:53

Hiiro Mamiya
Renge Toudou


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