Remote Island Photography Survival RPG ~Koharu's Coming!~


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Weibliche Protagonistin Brüste Slice of Life / Alltag Einnässen Exhibitionismus Urinieren/Pinkeln Fäkalien Scham- / Achselhaare
RollenspieleMit Musik
Nur für PC
Unterstützte Sprachen
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Inhalt des Titels

Koharu is a girl that dreams of becoming a photographer.
She thinks it's her lucky day when an industry giant publisher
asks her to do some photography on a certain island,
but things don't turn out exactly as she imagined they would.

She ventures out hundreds of kilometers to the island,
only to find a couple of small residences, some old, shabby shops,
and a rotting harbor. It's as though the rusted place has been lost to time.
It's only bright spot, the quiet surroundings, and abundant nature.

With only her camera, Koharu must meet the expectations placed upon her.
She must venture the island, and take perfect photos!
Spring has come to the small island!
Eat, drink, and sleep!
Remote Island Photography Survival RPG ~Koharu's Coming!~

* 62 base HCG

- Use the [S] key to snap photos. Sometimes you'll be able to discover things in the process.
- Post and mail your photos to earn money
- Plenty of H events await on the island, Look for the heart icons.
Offer a rice ball to the guardian deity statue for hints about the event.
- Try taking photos of the strange mannequins dotting the island to discover something. Perhaps new clothes?
- Strip down! If you gulp down some beer and get drunk, you can take off your clothes.
- Do your dirty business outdoors - another benefit of the drunken status. Or use pocket tissues.
- Discover a boat that will let you travel out to sea,
Equip bikinis, wet suits, or sea shirts to get special effects in the water.
- Toggle pose art ON / OFF with the [A] key.

- Nude - Everyone can see your shame. The police will chase and beat you if they see you like this!
- Half-nude - Not as embarrassing as nude, but the police will still give you a fine.
- Upset Stomach - Occurs when you eat something you came across in the wild.
Relieve yourself in the toilet, or roadside.
- Drunk- Occurs when you drink beer, Recover by moving around.
- Dirty- Caused by having a bodily "accident".
Swim in the water, use a tissue, or enter the bath to clean up!

* This game includes lots of urine and poop. Be warned! Island life, baby!
* Made in RPG TKool MV


  • 2021/04/10


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