Heartbeat Synchronicity for a Blissful Ejaculation

Delphinapterus leucas

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Informations sur le produit

Delphinapterus leucas
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Fétiche Anormal / pervers Binaural ASMR Sweet Love Masturbation Éjaculation interne Dominé par un esprit
Date de sortie
Format du produit
Format de fichier
WAV / MP3同梱
Langues prises en charge
Taille du fichier

Systèmes compatibles

Télécharger Flux
Compatible avec le système d'exploitation
Windows -
Mac -
iOS -
Android -
Autre -

Résumé du produit


Through synchronizing the rhythm of your heartbeat with your lovers,
you'll even sync up with their pleasure...let your body and mind melt with pleasure in this warm watery world.

Let this mysterious beauty named Rin be your navigator as she shows you the pleasure of
syncing up your internal rhythms!

Heartbeats for this audio work were recorded with the help of someone in the medical field,
using a stethoscope and PCM recorder.

You may find the sound aids your relaxation, along with a sexual trip-like experience.

Includes ambient sound to feel like you're deep in the warm relaxing water.

[Track List]

Bonus track: Heartbeat sounds only

High-resolution 96kHz/24bit audio.

Total playback time: 62 minutes (Excluding bonus track)


  • Heartbeat Synchronicity for a Blissful Ejaculation  [Delphinapterus leucas]

    Name: Rin
    Height: 162cm
    Breasts: F-cup

    A mysterious boyish girl, who works in the Heartbeat Syncro-pool.
    Her past is a mystery, but she is skilled at swimming, and loves being underwater.
    Has a cheery personality that endears her to both genders, and an attractive
    body that seems removed from this reality.

    She is searching for a partner that can completely sync up with her.

Contents & Credits

A binaural audio product. Headphones or earphones recommended.
Light MP3 version included
Package illustration included


CV: Haru Amachi
Illustration: ShiroiRuka-chan
Planning: Delphinapterus leucas
Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/shiroiruka4

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