Michikusaya - Tabirako: Touch Care & Teeth Brushing Lesson [English & Chinese Ver.]

Momoiro Code

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Inhalt des Titels

In June, the rainy season. A rural inn.
On the first day you will be taken care of, with touching and
ear cleaning with the sound of rain and heartbeat.
The next day, the caregivers will brush your teeth
and guides you with a visual demonstration.
A subtitled rainy season audio work.

[Touch Care Together]

* Rainy night
Whether the rain falls heavily or lightly outside,
let the dull monotony of the sound of showers and frogs guide you to sleep.

* No worries!
A caregiver will be with you the entire time.
Relax to the sound of her gentle heart beating.

* Touch care!
Touch care involves sharing feelings as you receive a massage
You might be able to feel it even when you aren't touching directly.
It could lead you to have a better sleep than usual.

[How to Brush Teeth]

* Clear night
Hear the high and low choruses of various frog species as they sing in harmony in the fields.

* Brushing together!
Brush your teeth together with the inn caregiver.
With the help of a special dummy head mic,
it will feel as though the brush is moving inside your mouth.

* Brush her teeth!
Learn about the ins and outs of brushing as you practice on her.
Remember to take this knowledge home with you.

Circle: Momoiro Code
CVs: Kyoko Aieda, Hiyori Misaki
All other credits: Momotori

Localization: DLsite
Audio: Japanese / Subtitles: English & Chinese

This product contains overlapping content with with the following title:
"Mimikaki Relaxation Shop Michikusaya - -Tabirako 3 (RE201117)"


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