Monster Hunter Sapphire [English Ver.]

Nuruhachi Pon Pon

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Información del Producto

Nuruhachi Pon Pon
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屈辱 命令/無理矢理 合意なし Tentáculos 異種えっち Pechos Grandes
Formato del Producto
Juego de rolMúsica
Formato del Archivo
Traducción oficial de DLsiteTraducción RecomendadaExclusivo para PC
Idiomas Admitidos
Sistema de protección contra copias
Tamaño del Archivo
Configuraciones Necesarias Es posible que la aplicación no funcione a menos que un paquete de idioma japonés esté configurado correctamente en su PC / la configuración regional del sistema está configurado en japonés. Para obtener más detalles, consulte [ ¿Cómo puedo establecer la configuración regional de mi sistema en japonés? ] en las Preguntas frecuentes Página de preguntas.

Sistemas compatibles

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versión compatible.
7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 / 11

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Compatible con SO
Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 / 11
Mac -
iOS -
Android -
Misceláneos -

Resumen del producto

-- Prologue

Mauria: a land infested with monsters and demons wrecking havoc on humankind.
Losing her father who died as part of the monster extermination squad
Sapphire swears revenge on Demon Edy
and arrive to the village her father was last seen.

Sapphire jumps into action with a vaccine against demons.
Searching for clues on Demon Edy who killed her father,
Sapphire investigates the village to find the folk there
were quirky to say the least.

-- Game System

This is an RPG that goes into Action RPG
when you run into a symbol.

Class Change
Sapphire has the power to change class.
You can change class half way into the story.
Available classes are Magic Knight, Paladin, Wizard, and Samurai.
Her outfit will change as well.
Each class comes with a tight outfit a woman warrior would want.

You can select the difficulty.
Depending on the difficulty it will take around 10 hours to complete the game.

-- Erotic Scenes
The men in Mauria are all pervs and you will be subjected to spontaneous, vigorous assault.
(Peeping, gadget violations, anal assault, fucked during sleep, etc.
There're plenty of ways to violate Sapphire.
Complete with scene playbacks.

Additionally, making a living as a hunter fighting monsters
comes with the risk of beastly molestations.

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