Nyanderful Pure Tale ~Sex Life with a Cat Girl~

Doushin Chaya

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Informations sur le produit

Doushin Chaya
{{ is_favorite ? $t('follow.follow_button.is_favorite') : $t('follow.follow_button.into_favorite') }}
Non-humain / Femme-monstre Sweet Love Relations sexuelles consensuelles Oreilles de chat (Nekomimi) Oreilles d'animaux Gros seins
Date de sortie
Format du produit
Jeux de rôleMusique
Format de fichier
Exclusivité PC
Langues prises en charge
Taille du fichier
Paramètres requis L'application peut ne pas fonctionner si un Pack linguistique japonais n'est pas correctement configuré sur votre PC ou si le Système Locale n'est pas réglé sur le japonais. Pour plus de détails, veuillez consulter [  Comment puis-je régler les paramètres linguistiques de mon système sur le japonais ? ]

Systèmes compatibles

Télécharger Flux
Versions prises en charge
7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10

Afficher tous les systèmes d'exploitation compatibles

Compatible avec le système d'exploitation
Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10
Mac -
iOS -
Android -
Autre -

Résumé du produit


Long ago in a land in the far east...
The age of katana's had come to an end, and times were changing...
In a certain town there was a sudden influx of youkai.

Though the youkai had been the source of pranks,
they were treated more like pests and were accepted by the people.

One man lived an unassuming life here, but one morning he awoke
to find a cat-eared/tailed youkai girl in his home.

He tried to shoo her away but she was awfully attached to him.
Little did he know that the two of them would end up changing the town.

[H Scenes]
15 base CG
26 H scenes
The magic that the heroine uses during battle is replenished with semen!
During battle, at home, or even outdoors!? Enjoy playing these H scenes!

[Estimated Playtime]
Approx. 1~2 hours

[Interaction with the Heroine]
Have conversations with the heroine, have sex.... enjoy living together!

Help the troubled town's people with the help of the heroine!

Scenario: Erumu
Illustration: shuu
Twitter: @x_shuu / Pixiv: id=38534

Requires RPG TKool VX RTP: http://dlsite.jp/RPGTKool_eng/

Please place the game folder directly on your PC to play this game.

Mise à jour des informations

  • 2019/04/27
    Correction de bugsContenu ajouté
  • 2019/04/23
    Correction des erreurs typographiquesCorrection de bugs

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