Sano Gengaman Clothing Pack Materials A - Blazer

White Candy

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Informations sur le produit

White Candy
{{ is_favorite ? $t('follow.follow_button.is_favorite') : $t('follow.follow_button.into_favorite') }}
佐野俊英があなたの専用原画マンになります 衣装素材集
Changement de vêtements / Habillage Jeune fille Tsurupeta Uniforme Mini jupe
Date de sortie
Format du produit
Matériel d'illustration  / きせかえ素材集
Format de fichier
Langues prises en charge
Taille du fichier
Configuration requise

Systèmes compatibles

Télécharger Flux
Compatible avec le système d'exploitation
Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10
Mac -
iOS -
Android -
Autre -

Résumé du produit

Blazer to go with Sano Gengaman character "A" (young girl).
PNG format of various clothing pieces with color variations
All prepared with transparency.

Please refer to the included text file for an explanation
of how to use the materials (Japanese Language).

[Terms of Use]
Copyright Accreditation is optional:
e.g. (C) White Candy, Clothing Materials: White Candy, etc
However, redistribution of the files, as is, is prohibited.

The copyright holder assumes no responsibility for
damages or the likes that occur from using this product.

* This work does not contain pose art. It is a clothing materials set.
* In regards to Tech Arts materials, refer to their usage policy.

Mise à jour des informations

  • 2023/10/14
    Correction de bugs
    Ver.1.3 「CGをつくる」で素材が正常に表示されない不具合を修正
  • 2019/01/07
    Contenu ajouté
    Ver.1.2 ブラウスにカラーバリエーション黒を追加しました
  • 2018/12/30
    Contenu ajouté
    Ver.1.1 半袖ブラウスを追加しました。

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