Strangers of the Power

Tuomo's Games

Nur für PC

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Informationen zum Titel

Tuomo's Games
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Moe Weibliche Perspektive Anime Nicht-Menschliches-/Monstermädchen Fantasy Yuri
Alle Altersgruppen
RollenspieleMit Musik  / ファンタジ―RPG
Nur für PC
Unterstützte Sprachen
Englisch (Sprache)
Hinweise zum Spielen Überprüfe, ob das Japanische Sprachpaket auf Deinem Computer richtig eingestellt ist oder ob das Systemgebietsschema auf Japanisch eingestellt ist. Die Anwendung funktioniert möglicherweise nicht. Weitere Informationen findest Du unter [ Wie kann ich das Systemgebietsschema auf Japanisch einstellen?  ]

Kompatible Umgebung

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7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10

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Unterstützte Betriebssysteme
Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10
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Inhalt des Titels

In the great north lies the city of Serina. It is a beautiful city, with a dark secret. For years, two witches have terrorized the city and taken over the castle within, with their dark magics. All attempts to slay them has failed. Only a true hero can answer the call of the people and stop the witches, once and for all.

Then one day, a traveler arrives at the inn. Could they succeed where others have failed?

- Select between three playable, unique characters!
- Adorable cast of fun characters!
- Voice acting; girls moan and groan when they fight!
- Oldschool turn-based combat with animated characters and enemies
- Randomly generated loot, which differs based on the character you play; the magician will not receive an armor she's not able to use
- Learn new magic spells and warrior skills to increase your fighting powers! This version contains the Trancevania DLC in its entirety, bringing the playable character count to 4, it also includes new bonus dungeon, some new weapons and a new skill.

This product is written in English.


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