Cucked Young Wifey Liana ~Erotic Days of Pushover Wife~


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橋本ゆういち / 若葉みやび
花澤さくら / 夢月やみ
Mujer Casada Engaño (Netorare) Embarazo / Impregnación Travieso / Lascivo Vergüenza / Humillación 異種えっち
Formato del Producto
Juego de rolVozMúsica
Formato del Archivo
Exclusivo para PC
Idiomas Admitidos
Tamaño del Archivo
Configuraciones Necesarias Es posible que la aplicación no funcione a menos que un paquete de idioma japonés esté configurado correctamente en su PC / la configuración regional del sistema está configurado en japonés. Para obtener más detalles, consulte [ ¿Cómo puedo establecer la configuración regional de mi sistema en japonés? ] en las Preguntas frecuentes Página de preguntas.

Sistemas compatibles

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7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10

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Compatible con SO
Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10
Mac -
iOS -
Android -
Misceláneos -

Resumen del producto

* Story

Set in a world in which monsters exist, Kyne and Liana live together peacefully in a town.

Liana is a little bit scatterbrained girl who often stumbles over
nothing dangerous, but she is an ideal housewife with a kind heart.

Kyne is shy when it comes to romantic things but steady aside from that.
He hunts down monsters around the town with his partner Nia.

When they get married and their happy married life is about to begin, an incident occurs
that a group of monsters suddenly assaults the town at night. During a combat with
monsters, a hero named Eric gets wounded when he protects Kyne from a monster.
For the treatment of Eric's wound, Kyne ends up owing a huge debt to Eric.

Thus, Kyne and Liana have to repay G2,000,000 within two months.
Liana starts working in the daytime when Kyne is out due to his business.
Many villagers take advantage of this situation to steal her from Kyne.
Will she be able to stay chaste!?

* Gameplay

Liana goes out to make money while Kyne is absent in the house.
There are many ways to spend a day such as to gather information
for finding a job and taking a rest at home.

* Systems:
- Works
There are many types of jobs with each different health point to be consumed.
The more she loses her health, the more money she earns.

- Days
Different jobs are available on different days.
On Saturdays and Sundays, she can work twice when with enough health point.

- Health Point
Working consumes this value. When she runs out of health point, she will take a holiday.

- Desire
This value increases when for example she gets molested.
She becomes loose when this value is high.
It is important to give vent to the desire by having sex with Kyne regularly.

- Sense of Guilt
Indicates her sense of guilt toward Kyne. Bolder plays will be available
when this value is low. Decreases with particular sexual harassment
events and jobs. When this value is too low, she can prostitute.

- Likelihood to be found
This value increases when she does bold things.
When this value reaches a certain point......?

- Sexually frustrated
A bad status effect. She can sell herself to anybody in the town in this condition.

- Diary
She keeps a diary every day. This allows you to check what she has done.

- Kyne's point of view
On a certain condition, you can do something from Kyne's point of view......?

- Virginity
Since the two are in a platonic relationship, Liana is a virgin.
It's you to decide whether to keep her virginity or not.

- Pregnant belly
If she isn't lucky enough, she will get pregnant.
Some jobs are unavailable when she is pregnant.

Actualizar información

  • 2021/11/29

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