Mimikaki Relaxation Shop Michikusaya - Ine 2

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{{ product.voice_pack.parent_official_price | number_format }} {{ product.voice_pack.parent_price | number_format }}
{{ product.voice_pack.child_official_price | number_format }} {{ product.voice_pack.child_price | number_format }}
{{ product.voice_pack.sum_point | number_format }}pt
{{ product.official_price_str || product.price_str }}
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Información del Producto

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Binaural Limpieza de Orejas
Formato del Producto
Formato del Archivo
WAV / MP3同梱
Idiomas Admitidos
Tamaño del Archivo

Sistemas compatibles

Descargar Transmisión
Compatible con SO
Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10
Mac -
iOS -
Android -
Misceláneos -

Resumen del producto

The night is quiet. The day bustles slightly.
And time flows ever so slowly in this
rural slice of life sleeping voice product.

**** Mandarins and the Heated Table. ****
A quiet mid winter's night.
You can hear the gentle rustle of the wind.
A gentle ear cleaning at the heated table.

1 - New Years Greetings: [03:22]
2 - Winter means Mandarins.: [08:22]
3 - Ear wiping soft biting: [06:50]
4 - Left air cleaning: [12:40]
5 - Hasty movement: [02:13]
6 - Right ear cleaning: [09:16]
7 - Amateurish medicinal ear massage: [06:08]
8- Off to sleep: [07:39]

Total play back time: [56:43]

(* Track # 8 can be looped without seeming weird.)

**** Let's Keep Moist! ****
Watching the open fire from the veranda.
Two masseuse moisturize your hands and face.
Her you can hear the various sounds of nature...
Feel free to take a nap if you wish.

1 - Would you lather some cream with us?: [03:07]
2 - Cream for Ine-san: [04:48]
3 - Cream on the hands: [06:33]
4 - Lotion on the face: [03:46]
5 - Cream on the face: [06:52]
6 - Lotion on the neck and ears: [05:47]
7 - Milky lotion moisturizing for the neck and ears: [11:43]
8 - Because it's the New Year: [05:05]

Total play back time: [48:42]

Production Staff:
Ina (CV: Hiiro Mamiya)
Tabirako (CV: Kyoko Aieda)
Suzushiro (CV: Hiyori Misaki)
Seri (CV: Uzume Kariori)
Inoko: (CV: Noah Hako / Koe Igai / Momodori)

Note: The voices other than Ina and Tabirako are mainly background noise.

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