Lilia's Livelihood ~Girl, Tentacle and the Wonder Island~


Exclusivité PC

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Informations sur le produit

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Protagoniste femme Fantaisie Tentacules Sexe interespèce Étirement / Expansion Gros seins
Date de sortie
Format du produit
Jeux de rôleMusiqueAnimation
Format de fichier
Exclusivité PC
Langues prises en charge
Taille du fichier
Configuration requise
Paramètres requis L'application peut ne pas fonctionner si un Pack linguistique japonais n'est pas correctement configuré sur votre PC ou si le Système Locale n'est pas réglé sur le japonais. Pour plus de détails, veuillez consulter [  Comment puis-je régler les paramètres linguistiques de mon système sur le japonais ? ]

Systèmes compatibles

Télécharger Flux
Versions prises en charge
7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10

Afficher tous les systèmes d'exploitation compatibles

Compatible avec le système d'exploitation
Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10
Mac -
iOS -
Android -
Autre -

Résumé du produit

* Synopsis *
The capricious wind brought Lilia onto an unexpected destination, the wonder island.
Then Lilia was soon relentlessly violated by a tentacle creature that suddenly appeared.
Lilia barely had a narrow escape with a succubus' assistance, but she still has no option
but live on this sea-locked island bearing a traumatic memory of the violation that persists in heart...

* Game *
This game is an adult only RPG mainly focusing on interspecies r*pe, like by tentacle.
You have many things to do to progress the game. Collecting materials to synthesize
items, taking combat with creatures to see H scenes, being a woman chaser...
After you finished the very first event, you have accesses to almost all the things.
(The contents are limited in the trial version)

* Date and Time *
The time in this game passes in relation to "Area-to-Area movement", "Particular Events",
"Combat" and some other behaviors you have taken. Behaviors and locations of NPCs,
events etc. are all subjects to be changed depending on the day and time.
Events that you will see varies from daily conversation to H scenes.

* Combat System *
This game employs turn-based combat system. She always fights alone, outnumbered
by the multiple creatures. The enemy's erotic attack prompts H animation or CG.
Losing in the combat does not cause the game over.

* Experience System *
Her erotic experience accumulates on each different part of her body; mouth,
breasts, vagina, buttocks, clitoris and urethra. The accumulated experience
point make changes in how much damage she receives.

* Pose Art *
2 base pose arts x Approx. 30 patterns of outfits x Approx. 15 patterns of head accessory
Some clothes can be separated in upper / lower halves and worn in combination.
Furthermore, the pose art reflects her breasts and belly condition in their sizes (5-6 levels).

* H Scenes *
36 base HCGs / 30 base Animations
Situations: interspecies r*pe (tentacle, slime etc.) / pregnancy /
birthing / laying eggs / expansion / breast milk / nipple f*ck and more...

* Notices *
- Requires RPG TKool VX Ace RTP:

- Compared to other games on the same platform, the operation of this game requires heavier load.
Thus please make sure to confirm the system compatibility via the trial version before purchasing.

Mise à jour des informations

  • 2018/06/06
    Correction de bugs
  • 2017/12/19
    Correction de bugsContenu ajouté
  • 2017/12/11
    Correction de bugs
  • 2017/12/11
    Correction des erreurs typographiquesCorrection de bugs
  • 2017/12/08
    Correction de bugs
Voir plus

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