She Could Have Been His Nasty Girl (Until The Yarichin Classmate Came Along)

Waribashi Kouka

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Informations sur le produit

Waribashi Kouka
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Cocuage (Netorare) Violation Discipline familiale Ordres / Obéir à contre-coeur En collectif Anal
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Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10
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Résumé du produit

Seiichi always had fond thoughts of Akina next door.
She was crass, like one of the boys, and that made her a fun friend to Seiichi.
But he didn't think of her sexually until recently.
Sadly, those feelings started to come at the same time as another guy.
That guy was an alpha, and a classmate. Damn it.

When that guy put the moves on Akina, all Seiichi could do is watch...

... the woman of his dreams, the girl next door, his first and only love...

... f*cking her brains out with someone else.

A cuckoldry story

12 base CGs
123 variations
132 text versions
255 total CGs

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      Open Projects / Promotions