In the Company of Bugs

Kouta Farm

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Informasi Karya

Kouta Farm
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Maniak / Cabul Tampilan penampang melintang Gadis Persalinan 虫えっち
Tanggal rilis
Batas usia
Format Karya
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Konten Karya

There was once a town cohabited by super-insects and humans.

Humans fed and protected the insects, which grew to enormous size.
Along with hypertrophy and domestication, the bugs evolved in such a way
that, sadly, they lost the ability to reproduce.

Eventually the super-insects dwindled and the humans started
to think they were extinct. Fearing the town was on the brink of losing
a marvelous part of nature to myth, the major did something unconscionable.
He sent unsuspecting girls into insect dwellings... to become mothers.

Interspecies sex / bug sex CG works by Kouta Farm

- giant wasp
- giant spider
- leech
- hairworm
- caterpillar
- ant

- birth
- larvae

1600x1200 size
49 pages (47 + cover, full text page)
+ text-free sets of the above

Perbarui informasi

  • 2016/07/02
    Tambahkan konten

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  • Manonie [Kouta Farm]
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  • Paradise of Tentacles [Kouta Farm]
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  • Bride of Tentacles [Kouta Farm]
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    660 JPY / Rp 66.000 / 60pt(10%)
    Riina saw the forest beyond the village for the first time. And the last.
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  • Revenge on the Orc Daughter! [Kouta Farm]
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    660 JPY / Rp 66.000 / 60pt(10%)
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