Ethereal LegioN

Acid Style

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Informações do produto

Acid Style
{{ is_favorite ? $t('follow.follow_button.is_favorite') : $t('follow.follow_button.into_favorite') }}
Protagonista feminina Pixelado Mago / Bruxa 合意なし 異種えっち
Formato do produto
Formato do arquivo
Exclusivo para PC
Línguas disponíveis
Tamanho do arquivo
Requisitos do sistema
Atenção quando reproduzir o jogo O aplicativo pode não funcionar a menos que um pacote de idioma japonês esteja corretamente configurado no seu PC ou a Configuração regional do sistema esteja definida para japonês. Para mais detalhes, consulte [ Como faço para definir a localidade do meu sistema para japonês? ] na página de Ajuda.

Sistemas compatíveis

Download Visualizar no navegador
versão compatível.
Vista / 7 / 8

Mostrar todos os sistemas operacionais compatíveis

SO suportado
Windows Vista / 7 / 8
Mac -
iOS -
Android -
Diversos -

Conteúdo do produto

* ver1.73
Necromancer's Challenge Stage added.
Language Setting added. It's available in game.

* Game
A side scrolling RTS-like action game.

* Story
One day, when her master suddenly ran off, the apprentice of a
for-hire monster hunting business went in pursuit.
She had only the master's letter to go on, which didn't say which way to go...
Can she catch up in the end?

* Summoning
The protagonist is a beginner whose master hasn't taught her many things.
She isn't able to attack directly. But by summoning spirits, she can battle.
Summon and fight, run away so she doesn't get r*ped.
Never mind the fates of the summons, she's gotta look out for herself!

* Difficulty
EASY, HARD, INFERNO (very hard)
Difficulty affects how much etherium is dropped by enemies. Happy hunting!!

* Gallery
Spend etherium (money in the game) in the gallery for unlockable visuals!
You can buy stuff all the way into the last stage, but don't worry about spoilers.
If that's your concern, just play the game first, then go shopping!

* Erotica
There's 15 base images + 30 variations, incl. failed battle and game over illustrations!
Plus a bonus folder with unique imagery and variations, just because I wanted to draw them!
Enjoy a total of more than 150 images.

* Silhouettes
As you complete the story silhouettes will become normal humans.
I figure there's not a lot of people who just want to see pitch black pixels the whole time!
This is unrelated to game difficulty, so you won't miss anything by playing on easy.

* Other notes
Please play the trial version to confirm compatibility.
Recommend purchase with DLsite account for updates.

English manual is included in the full version.

Atualizar informações

  • 2018/05/23
    Correção de erros
  • 2018/05/20
    Conteúdo adicional
  • 2016/03/05
    Correção de erros
  • 2016/02/28
    Correção de erros
  • 2016/02/20
    Correção de erros

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