Bizarre Prison: In the Room of the Ghastly Thing


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SM しつけ 下僕 閉じ込め 超ひどい 畜えち
Formato del Producto
Formato del Archivo
Exclusivo para PC
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Resumen del producto

The last erosion of a captive girl's humanity by an unspeakable monster.

The latest of the Bizarre Prison ADV games, a series of grotesque t*rture.

About her:
She was abducted many years before entering this room,
reduced to a sex sl*ve. Many trainers played a hand in breaking her,
but her virginity remains intact. She is a scared but obedient dog
ready for presentation to the man who purchased her...

About him:
Ex-CEO of a multi-billion dollar corporation, he is
better known in dark circles as an enthusiastic rearer of
bizarre creatures. His favorite, "Chucky", enjoys
only the finest meals, such as precious human veal...

JPEG artwork (680x480 size)
Includes CGs (text-free) in a separate folder

Reseñas de Usuarios

Obras del mismo círculo.

Obras disponibles para la venta

  • New teacher Sayuri  (w/voice in part) [@DOLL]
    CG + Ilustraciones
    New teacher Sayuri (w/voice in part)
    770 JPY / 4,53 € / 70pt(10%)
    The female teacher becomes a sex sl*ve of one of her students. CG collection, the female characters are voice acted in part. 800x600 pixels.
    Lanzamiento : 03/17/2006

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