Escort King - Dispatch the Pr*Cures

Studio Cute

Exclusivo para PC

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Información del Producto

Studio Cute
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Formato del Producto
Formato del Archivo
Exclusivo para PC
Idiomas Admitidos
Tamaño del Archivo
Requisitos del sistema
Configuraciones Necesarias Es posible que la aplicación no funcione a menos que un paquete de idioma japonés esté configurado correctamente en su PC / la configuración regional del sistema está configurado en japonés. Para obtener más detalles, consulte [ ¿Cómo puedo establecer la configuración regional de mi sistema en japonés? ] en las Preguntas frecuentes Página de preguntas.

Sistemas compatibles

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versión compatible.
Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 / 11

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Compatible con SO
Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 / 11
Mac -
iOS -
Android -
Misceláneos -

Resumen del producto


This is a sim game where you're basically a Pr*Cure pimp:
as manager of sex delivery service "Escort King", you'll dispatch girls
and rake in the cash. And I do mean rake in the cash.

More than just an ero simulation, Studio Cute has put an effort into all aspects:
six months were spent on debugging alone, and emphasis is put on everything
from game balance to fun, feel, appearance, and more.

Everything you do will earn money.
You don't need to fear that. The strategy, or the enjoyment I should say,
is in how efficiently you want to earn, dealing with pregnancy, etc.

There is a steep learning curve at the beginning. (sweats)
But if you can get past that, I've a game I think that anyone can understand.

Please give it a play.


Use the mouse to play.
Click on icons to proceed.
Icon functions are explained in sample images.
There's an in-game secretary to explain and advise you as well.

Below is a very basic summary of gameplay:
- cars (dispatch girls in low or high end vehicles for speed, luxury)
- advertise (promote your girls with everything from flyers up to expensive TV ads)
- marketing (bring in clients with online ads up to expensive TV ads)
- office (rent a space to run your business, growing in scale and prestige)
- items (use these to upgrade cars, teach the girls better techniques)

* Please play the trial version to confirm compatibility and sample the gameplay.
* Full purchase with a registered DLsite account is recommended for updates.

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