Lez Ecchi 3! Gallant Male Hero Turned Female Turned Ahegao Sl*ve for the Demon Queen

Furo Ido Soft

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Informations sur le produit

Furo Ido Soft
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Trance / Voix suggestive Féminisation Changement de sexe / Transsexuel Lesbienne Trance / Suggestive Futanari / Hermaphrodite
Date de sortie
Format du produit
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Systèmes compatibles

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Compatible avec le système d'exploitation
Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10
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Résumé du produit

* Lez Ecchi 3 is a narrated story with radio-style voice acted parts.
It's completely independent from 1 and 2. Enjoy these voice dramas in any order.

Narrator (CV: Run Hanami)

"Welcome to the counseling room.
Are you tired?
Let's go into a fantasy world then, shall we?

You are the hero, fighting a female demon lord.
It seems like you will defeat her.
However, the mage in your party betrays you and turns you into a female.
Your fiancee abandons you.
The demon queen makes you climax repeatedly."

Length: 2 hours 15 min (ecchi parts are 1 hour 30 min)
(Plus versions with/without hero's voice and with/without sound effects)
Format: MP3, high quality 320kbps

Narration voiced by Run Hanami
Hero/heroine voiced by Nodoka Nishiura
Mage voiced by Kotone Akatsuki
Sage voiced by Natsuki Nogami

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