Pandemonium: Slash Princess Sakura

Red Dragonfly

Exclusivo para PC

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Información del Producto

Red Dragonfly
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Mirón Obras 3D Falda Corta Fantasía Corrida Interna Mamada 合意なし
Formato del Producto
Juego de rolVozMúsica
Formato del Archivo
Exclusivo para PC
Idiomas Admitidos
Tamaño del Archivo
Total 1,22GB
Requisitos del sistema
ノートPC用GPU:intel iris pro 5200、intel HD4000(一部の効果が正常に表示されない)
Configuraciones Necesarias Es posible que la aplicación no funcione a menos que un paquete de idioma japonés esté configurado correctamente en su PC / la configuración regional del sistema está configurado en japonés. Para obtener más detalles, consulte [ ¿Cómo puedo establecer la configuración regional de mi sistema en japonés? ] en las Preguntas frecuentes Página de preguntas.

Sistemas compatibles

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versión compatible.
Vista / 7 / 8

Mostrar todos los sistemas operativos compatibles

Compatible con SO
Windows Vista / 7 / 8
Mac -
iOS -
Android -
Misceláneos -

Resumen del producto

(Japanese title: Hyakki Yagyo: Tsuruhime Muzan, lit.
"Night March of 100 Spirits: Sword Princess Atrocity")

* The world's first real time H 3D ARPG arrives
The ero game world has never seen this kind of X-rated 3D action-roleplay fusion;
presenting high spec weapon-wielding, lifelike fluttering clothes, battles and sex scenes all in one.

* Full 3D open world and freestyle movement
Enjoy the huge freedom provided by 3rd person POV, with spontaneous lighting and movement
that bring life to battles that simply can't be experienced in 2D.

* 20 hit combos
Level up faster by chaining your attacks: Sakura can land up to 20 hits at a time. Battle in style!

* Ragdoll physics
Take unapologetic joy in slaying monsters that flop and fly in entertaining ways.

* Real time hair and cloth simulation
Sex scenes take on added realism with real time world details and reactive physics.

* Multiple outfits
Change Sakura's look anytime, anywhere. Every outfit can be obtained by defeating monsters.
Build her wardrobe and cosplay for even better sex.

* Monsters sex galore
Over 40 species and over 90 sex scenes. Do it all over the place!

* Created with UNITY 3D
For the best experience please see that your computer meets system requirements.
Please play the trial to confirm compatibility.

About CG gallery mode, we are afraid that we can not implement a static CG gallery as
other RM-like games. This is a very complicated 3D game and all contents are realtime and dynamic triggered.

The CG combinations are unlimited so it is impossible to show all erotic CGs among all
monsters, player positions and scene backgrounds.

In order to solve this case, we designed a summon mode instead. Summon mode means you can summon any monster at any place and any time to interact with player in the game runtime.

Just simply type R+(monster serial)+Enter, e.g., R+1+Enter to summon the monster you want then type H if you want to watch the erotic CG movies.
With summon mode, we can provide not only , erotic movies but also fights, weapons and
costumes to our players. You can imagine that as a dynamic CG gallery.

We think summon mode is a much more flexible solution compared to the traditional static CG gallery in 3D games.

Hope this explanation is helpful for you and our review.

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