Magic Knight Arisa

Ittetsu Factory

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Informações do produto

Ittetsu Factory
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戦闘エロ Uniforme Fantasia 合意なし Tentáculos Futanari / Hermafrodita
Formato do produto
Formato do arquivo
Exclusivo para PC
Línguas disponíveis
Tamanho do arquivo
Atenção quando reproduzir o jogo O aplicativo pode não funcionar a menos que um pacote de idioma japonês esteja corretamente configurado no seu PC ou a Configuração regional do sistema esteja definida para japonês. Para mais detalhes, consulte [ Como faço para definir a localidade do meu sistema para japonês? ] na página de Ajuda.

Sistemas compatíveis

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Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10
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Conteúdo do produto

Current version: Version 1.14
This game requires RPG Tkool VX Ace RTP (free).
Please play the trial version to confirm compatibility.
Recommend purchase with DLsite account for updates.
Comments and bug reports are welcome at the circle's blog:

Arisa the magic knight is summoned to save Magic Royal on the verge of destruction by the invasion of Evil Army.
To end her long journey, she challenges the final boss. What awaited her was unexpected sexual humiliation!

The main points of the game is:
(1) You are to enjoy how the protagonist is "done" in this game.
(2) She loses her HP by ecchi attacks from the boss. When HP becomes zero, she will cum.
(3) She will soon recover from the damage, but repeat cums will trigger a "corruption degree" event.
(4) If she cums again and again while the "corruption degree" is at its peak...
(5) The sword and magic has no effect on the boss!? Collect the information and find a way to the victory!
(6) ...But, you are to enjoy the defeat. You don't need to do that if you aren't interested in the problem-solving aspect.
(7) This game has a happy (victory) ending (sort of).
(8) Supposed play time is a couple of hours (to complete the game).

Features of the game is:
(1) Very short story. One boss character. Focuses on the "usefulness".
(2) All attacks are sexual ones. 26 types in total.
(3) All attacks include cut-in images, SE and panting voice.
(4) Unlockable secret basement (gallery).
(5) The gallery collects CG images, cut-in images and story.
(6) Pseudo-battle mode in the gallery allows you to duplicate all the attacks of the boss at will and customize the humiliation in your own way.
(7) Walk-through guide in Japanese is included. You can decide the difficulty of the game.

Atualizar informações

  • 2015/07/04
    Correção de erros

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