Hentai Biogasmic Widow Namekuji: The Nanofeminizer Trap

SNB Factory

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Información del Producto

SNB Factory
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Anormal / Pervertido Piercings / Accesorios Cambio de Sexo / Transexual Modificación de Cuerpo Penetración de Pezón
Formato del Producto
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Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10
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Resumen del producto

1920x1280 size, Full color comic, 43 pages

Excerpt 1)
It was dead season in the shopping district of our coastal town...
But her presence made it hard to say it was business as usual.
She was here again... the voluptuous widow, as I called her.
An entrancing woman whose tight dress clung to her unbelievable body,
every motion sending waves of pheromones off her breasts and hips.
She was coming every day to our declining row of shops...

Excerpt 2)
She reeked of sex. My senses were paralyzed.
Without any awareness at all I was drawn to her gaping womb like pursed lips begging for a kiss.
Intoxicating charm... beautiful... amorous... by the time I realized my mouth was on her.
Against my will I slurped her fleshy insides.
Fluid filled my mouth so I drank... something solid squirmed into my throat.
"Gulp gulp gulp....."
"They're inside you now," she smiled. "I've fed you my ovipods. The nanoparasites
are programmed to multiply inside the host until your transformation is complete.
I wonder, how will you change? It should all go according to my plan..."

Voluptuous madam: (female) age 32
Me: (male) part time student age 22
Old man at the greengrocery

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