Feels good! SPOTLIGHT


Exclusivité PC

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{{ product.voice_pack.sum_price | number_format }}
{{ product.voice_pack.parent_official_price | number_format }} {{ product.voice_pack.parent_price | number_format }}
{{ product.voice_pack.child_official_price | number_format }} {{ product.voice_pack.child_price | number_format }}
{{ product.voice_pack.sum_point | number_format }}pt
{{ product.official_price_str || product.price_str }}
{{ real_price | number_format }}
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180pt (10Réduction à %)
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Informations sur le produit

{{ is_favorite ? $t('follow.follow_button.is_favorite') : $t('follow.follow_button.into_favorite') }}
Artiste / Idole / Modèle Éjaculation interne Paizuri Fellation Oreilles de chat (Nekomimi) Gros seins
Date de sortie
Format du produit
Format de fichier
Exclusivité PC
Langues prises en charge
Taille du fichier
Paramètres requis L'application peut ne pas fonctionner si un Pack linguistique japonais n'est pas correctement configuré sur votre PC ou si le Système Locale n'est pas réglé sur le japonais. Pour plus de détails, veuillez consulter [  Comment puis-je régler les paramètres linguistiques de mon système sur le japonais ? ]

Systèmes compatibles

Télécharger Flux
Versions prises en charge
Vista / 7

Afficher tous les systèmes d'exploitation compatibles

Compatible avec le système d'exploitation
Windows Vista / 7
Mac -
iOS -
Android -
Autre -

Résumé du produit

An erotic adventure game with the concept of "bitch cute", about smoldering sexiness of a heroine sliding her hips around a hot d**k!

- Bitch Cute!
She knows how to please herself while rutting with an adult sense of lust.
Feel the gap between her aroused body and her shamed inner thoughts.
Lurid tempting behavior gets her exactly the situation she is in.
No matter how many men she has sex with at once, she's attentive to all.

- Virgin style gaming!
F**k into her dripping vagina like a dream with multiple partners, from the titillating point of view of the heroine.

- Tons of penetration scenes!

Hina left her small home town to become an idol actress in the biggest city.
From her very first audition she fell quickly down the slippery slope. Confused and eager, she agreed to sex. Though a virgin, Hina was a natural in bed, and her eyes were opened.

As a rising star she released an album and did television, putting herself out and exposing herself. She shaped a relationship with producers, comedy duos, and so on.

The sex was so good. To her, the pleasure of an idol was the pleasure of orgasm.

- Multiple characters
- Voiced by Maria Ayana

Learn more about the game at Dieselmine website: http://www.dieselmine.com/2010/spotlight/index.html

Mise à jour des informations

  • 2014/12/27
    Modification tarifaire
    Modifié de 1,900 yen à 1,800 yen.

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      Open Projects / Promotions