The Record of a Maid's Fate


Exclusivité PC

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Informations sur le produit

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Servante Éjaculation interne Grossesse / Imprégnation Violation Très brutal Douleurs extrêmes
Date de sortie
Format du produit
AventureVoixMusique  / 本格サスペンス猟奇ADV
Format de fichier
Exclusivité PC
Langues prises en charge
Taille du fichier
Paramètres requis L'application peut ne pas fonctionner si un Pack linguistique japonais n'est pas correctement configuré sur votre PC ou si le Système Locale n'est pas réglé sur le japonais. Pour plus de détails, veuillez consulter [  Comment puis-je régler les paramètres linguistiques de mon système sur le japonais ? ]

Systèmes compatibles

Télécharger Flux
Versions prises en charge
XP / Vista

Afficher tous les systèmes d'exploitation compatibles

Compatible avec le système d'exploitation
Windows XP / Vista
Mac -
iOS -
Android -
Autre -

Résumé du produit

This "authentic suspense and bizarre ADV" is produced by a new and powerful circle!

... ... Dad is dead.

Upon hearing the news, the son of the wealthiest man in town, Shinji, hurries back home to his mansion.

After the funeral, there to greet Shinji in the mansion still with the faint fragrance of sadness are:

Nanako, the daughter of his father's lover and his old childhood friend from long ago...

Kumi, an older woman whose voluptuous body and warm smile make her all the more beautiful and radiant...

And his father's strict butler, Kuroiwa.

Shinji, though glad to be reunited with so many he knew and loved, must tend to the inheritance his father left him as well as his father's company, a task which leaves him confused and lost.

All the while, none of them yet realize the evil which is penetrating their lives...

The Record of a Maid's Fate contains over 350 CG pages which includes insert illustrations!

* All females are fully voiced and "double-cast" styled!

1 female character is voiced by 2 voice actresses, and you can change the voices during play!

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      Open Projects / Promotions