The Reincarnated Lady's Roguelike Life; Looting and Raiding the Princess of Monsters

Oinari Soft (KataHiko)

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Informações do produto

Oinari Soft (KataHiko)
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Protagonista feminina つるぺた Garota de classe alta Fantasia 異世界転生 Ejaculação interna 屈辱 異種えっち
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AplicativoAPK incluído
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Atenção quando reproduzir o jogo O aplicativo pode não funcionar a menos que um pacote de idioma japonês esteja corretamente configurado no seu PC ou a Configuração regional do sistema esteja definida para japonês. Para mais detalhes, consulte [ Como faço para definir a localidade do meu sistema para japonês? ] na página de Ajuda.

Sistemas compatíveis

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Conteúdo do produto


The Reincarnated Lady's Roguelike Life; Looting and Raiding the Princess of Monsters [Oinari Soft (KataHiko)]

The daughter of one of Japan's wealthiest families has tragically died. Cause of death? Getting so steaming mad over a fighting game that her body just couldn't take it. But that's okay, because she's been reborn in a fantasy world, as tends to happen in these situations.

Quickly striking up a friendship with a demon named Muramura, she uses her standard OP isekai cheat powers to put the hurt on the other monsters that have infested the frontier.

But it's just not enough! A rich girl needs a rich life, and this medieval era isn't cutting it. They say the local demon lord is holed up in her dungeon with a mountain of treasure. That much wealth would make things more comfortable for our haughty heroine, and so she sets off to conquer the labyrinth.

Let the roguelike struggle for riches begin!

16 base CGs with over 130 variations, all created by virtuoso illustrator @endouvocalotyu!

Use over 80 different special moves!
Synergize with items to pummel weak enemies and break down the stronger ones -- your build is all your own!
Defeat elite monsters to retrieve high-level items!
Hit the rest areas to restore your HP and keep fighting!

Illustration: Endou ( https: // )
Production: FujiyamaGeisha ( https: // )
Circle: Oinari Soft (Katahiko) ( https: // )

Please follow the circle account to keep up to date on all game information about this and other releases!

Atualizar informações

  • 2024/02/28
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