[ENG Ver.] University Student Private Tutor Loses To A Psycho Lesbian Girl & Gets Sexually Disciplined

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Informationen zum Titel

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Weibliche Protagonistin Keine Umkehrung Werkzeug / Fremde Objekte Einnässen Lesbisch/Frau-zu-Frau Spritzen / Schwallen クリ責め Fisting
Unterstützte Sprachen
Englisch (Sprache)

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Inhalt des Titels

The protagonist starts a part time job as a private tutor, and the student she takes on is a beautiful girl named Rinri. At first, she thought she would have a good part time experience working for this happy family, but...

Her virgin pussy, which has no experience whatsoever, is toyed with by Rinri's cruel curiosity, and her resistance is in vain as she is corrupted by pleasure and becomes incontinent in her student's room! As a plaything, she is teased and tormented using all kinds of toys!

Then, when edging on the cusp of a massive orgasm...
The alarm rings to tell signal that your tutoring session is over!

Given that time is limited, it can't be helped, right?

The protagonist masturbates every day, recollecting the depravity of that day...

Then, on the day of their next tutoring session--------

She will be teased and tormented with an electric massager, writing brush, toothbrush, and more!
This tutor's pathetic weak clitoris and urethra will be dominated by her student!
And in the end, the beautiful girl's small and slender arm will......!

43 main pages (+cover and afterword)

* No role reversals, no turning the tables. Girl x Girl action only.
* The younger girl does not undress at all.
* Contains urethral and urinary bladder teasing, fist fucking, and peeing oneself / incontinence.


  • [ENG Ver.] University Student Private Tutor Loses To A Psycho Lesbian Girl & Gets Sexually Disciplined [Translators Unite]

    Ema Shibasaki

    A university student who does private tutoring part time.
    As she was a studious and plain girl all the way up through to high school, she is a virgin.
    After successfully applying for the university she wished to go to, she has started working part time and participating in club activities with her university debut in mind.

  • [ENG Ver.] University Student Private Tutor Loses To A Psycho Lesbian Girl & Gets Sexually Disciplined [Translators Unite]

    Rinri Sengawa

    A psycho lesbian who has turned pretty much all the other girls in her school into her sex sl*ves.
    As of late she's become tired of them, and wants a new toy to play with.


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