Blonde Harem's Profile

Doujinshi, ASMR and Games by [Blonde Harem] are available now on DLsite!

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Blonde Harem
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Oct. 11, 13:59 (JST) Discounted for a limited time.
Blonde Harem
165  JPY
330  JPY
50%OFF / 15pt (10%Earn)
アイドル男子の仁と圭は美容勝負の企画で好評を得ているものの どうにも美容に興味を持てずにいた。そんな中、次回テーマの香水に備えるため 専門の先生が呼び出される……。
Girls' Side
Set Discount Eligible Work

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Buy 3 or more eligible works to get a 65% OFF discount.

Entertainer / Idol / Model Slice of Life / Daily Living Heartwarming Boys' Love
  • Release date: Mar/07/2019
Oct. 11, 13:59 (JST) Discounted for a limited time.
Blonde Harem
165  JPY
330  JPY
50%OFF / 15pt (10%Earn)
Girls' Sideコミケ95
Set Discount Eligible Work

This work is eligible for the Set Discount Promotion.
Buy 3 or more eligible works to get a 65% OFF discount.

Senior Seinen Boss Suit Office / Workplace
  • Release date: Jan/12/2019
Oct. 11, 13:59 (JST) Discounted for a limited time.
Blonde Harem
330  JPY
660  JPY
50%OFF / 30pt (10%Earn)
九段精華高等女学校のマンガの再録2冊目。 九段精華以外にも日比谷小学校や昭和の昔の話などを収録しており、どれも戦前中心の話です。 今回再録の中編はほぼ描き直しております。
Girls' Sideコミケ94
Set Discount Eligible Work

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Buy 3 or more eligible works to get a 65% OFF discount.

Girl Student Sailor-style Uniform School / Academy Slice of Life / Daily Living Epic / Historical
  • Release date: Sep/16/2018
  • (6)
Oct. 11, 13:59 (JST) Discounted for a limited time.
Blonde Harem
165  JPY
330  JPY
50%OFF / 15pt (10%Earn)
昭和六年銀座、美和子はバイオリンを習っていた。 そこで出会ったのが後に天才少女と言われる諏訪さんだった!
Girls' Sideコミケ94
Set Discount Eligible Work

This work is eligible for the Set Discount Promotion.
Buy 3 or more eligible works to get a 65% OFF discount.

Wholesome Girl Student Uniform Slice of Life / Daily Living
  • Release date: Sep/14/2018
Oct. 11, 13:59 (JST) Discounted for a limited time.
Blonde Harem
110  JPY
220  JPY
50%OFF / 10pt (10%Earn)
JKとして学校生活を謳歌するライアン達のドタバタコメディ本です! 季節はバレンタイン。カリーナは誰かにチョコをあげたいらしく…!? 2Pのオマケも収録!
Girls' Side
Set Discount Eligible Work

This work is eligible for the Set Discount Promotion.
Buy 3 or more eligible works to get a 65% OFF discount.

Comedy Slice of Life / Daily Living Feminization
  • Release date: May/07/2018
Oct. 11, 13:59 (JST) Discounted for a limited time.
Blonde Harem
165  JPY
330  JPY
50%OFF / 15pt (10%Earn)
Girls' Side
Set Discount Eligible Work

This work is eligible for the Set Discount Promotion.
Buy 3 or more eligible works to get a 65% OFF discount.

Boys' Love
  • Release date: Mar/23/2018
Oct. 11, 13:59 (JST) Discounted for a limited time.
Forget me not
Blonde Harem
110  JPY
220  JPY
50%OFF / 10pt (10%Earn)
Girls' Side
Set Discount Eligible Work

This work is eligible for the Set Discount Promotion.
Buy 3 or more eligible works to get a 65% OFF discount.

Sailor-style Uniform Epic / Historical Non-fiction / Real Story
  • Release date: Feb/11/2018
  • (1)
Oct. 11, 13:59 (JST) Discounted for a limited time.
Blonde Harem
165  JPY
330  JPY
50%OFF / 15pt (10%Earn)
T&B 虎徹&バーナビー本です。 積極的に活動しているのにも関わらず、ポイントが取れていない虎徹。 そのことについて気にかけていたバーナビー。その直後、新たな事件が発生し...
Girls' Side
Set Discount Eligible Work

This work is eligible for the Set Discount Promotion.
Buy 3 or more eligible works to get a 65% OFF discount.

  • Release date: Oct/13/2017
Oct. 11, 13:59 (JST) Discounted for a limited time.
Blonde Harem
165  JPY
330  JPY
50%OFF / 15pt (10%Earn)
何だか分からないキラキラした星のようなものに遭遇した少女。 少女が遭遇した後も何度か目撃報告があり、少女は調査を始める...。
Girls' Side
Set Discount Eligible Work

This work is eligible for the Set Discount Promotion.
Buy 3 or more eligible works to get a 65% OFF discount.

Emotional / Touching Healing Girl Uniform Slice of Life / Daily Living
  • Release date: Oct/11/2017
  • (1)
Oct. 11, 13:59 (JST) Discounted for a limited time.
Blonde Harem
55  JPY
110  JPY
50%OFF / 5pt (10%Earn)
昭和16年、日比谷小学校と隣接する裁判所。 そこへ訪れる裁判官に、いつもとは違う感情を抱く少女。
Girls' Side
Set Discount Eligible Work

This work is eligible for the Set Discount Promotion.
Buy 3 or more eligible works to get a 65% OFF discount.

Girl School / Academy Slice of Life / Daily Living Epic / Historical
  • Release date: Sep/08/2017
  • (1)
Oct. 11, 13:59 (JST) Discounted for a limited time.
Marine note
Blonde Harem
165  JPY
330  JPY
50%OFF / 15pt (10%Earn)
少年が通信簿を忘れ、先生の元へ走ったとき ふと先生から海の匂いが香ることに気づく。 これは海の香りをまとった人が体験した、不思議なひとときのお話し。
Girls' Sideコミケ92
Set Discount Eligible Work

This work is eligible for the Set Discount Promotion.
Buy 3 or more eligible works to get a 65% OFF discount.

Wholesome Boy Seinen Slice of Life / Daily Living Heartwarming
  • Release date: Aug/31/2017
Oct. 11, 13:59 (JST) Discounted for a limited time.
DL Exclusive
Blonde Harem
165  JPY
330  JPY
50%OFF / 15pt (10%Earn)
今回は九段精華高等女学校や昔の文具などの小ネタ色々になります。 九段精華のものによく似た制服の話や外国製品らしき文具から今でも見るような文具の紹介など 興味深いものを収録しています。
Girls' Side
Set Discount Eligible Work

This work is eligible for the Set Discount Promotion.
Buy 3 or more eligible works to get a 65% OFF discount.

Girl Student School / Academy Slice of Life / Daily Living Epic / Historical
  • Release date: May/18/2017
Oct. 11, 13:59 (JST) Discounted for a limited time.
DL Exclusive
Blonde Harem
165  JPY
330  JPY
50%OFF / 15pt (10%Earn)
Girls' Side
Set Discount Eligible Work

This work is eligible for the Set Discount Promotion.
Buy 3 or more eligible works to get a 65% OFF discount.

Senior Seinen Office / Workplace
  • Release date: Mar/10/2017
Oct. 11, 13:59 (JST) Discounted for a limited time.
Blonde Harem
330  JPY
660  JPY
50%OFF / 30pt (10%Earn)
戦前に存在した、今は無き九段精華女学院の創作漫画、エッセイになります。 わかりやすいイラストで当時の事が鮮明に描かれており、 通っていた女学生の生活を描いた創作短編が収録されております。
Girls' Sideコミケ91
Set Discount Eligible Work

This work is eligible for the Set Discount Promotion.
Buy 3 or more eligible works to get a 65% OFF discount.

Girl School / Academy Slice of Life / Daily Living Epic / Historical
  • Release date: Jan/12/2017
  • (1)
  • (6)
Oct. 11, 13:59 (JST) Discounted for a limited time.
DL Exclusive
Blonde Harem
110  JPY
220  JPY
50%OFF / 10pt (10%Earn)
金髪サーファーとサーフィンボード工房の青年のほのぼの話。 南の島(ノースショア)が舞台です。
Girls' Sideコミケ90
Set Discount Eligible Work

This work is eligible for the Set Discount Promotion.
Buy 3 or more eligible works to get a 65% OFF discount.

Swimwear Slice of Life / Daily Living Heartwarming Blonde Hair
  • Release date: Oct/11/2016
Oct. 11, 13:59 (JST) Discounted for a limited time.
DL Exclusive
Dreaming of you
Blonde Harem
110  JPY
220  JPY
50%OFF / 10pt (10%Earn)
戸籍により明らかになった、亡くなったじいちゃんの再婚。 最初の奥さん「恵子」は結婚して三日で亡くなっていた…。 じいちゃんと恵子さん、二人の間にあった秘された切ない事実とは―
Girls' Side
Set Discount Eligible Work

This work is eligible for the Set Discount Promotion.
Buy 3 or more eligible works to get a 65% OFF discount.

  • Release date: Mar/22/2015
Oct. 11, 13:59 (JST) Discounted for a limited time.
DL Exclusive
Blonde Harem
165  JPY
330  JPY
50%OFF / 15pt (10%Earn)
学校中から王子様だと慕われてる先生の本性は、俺だけに口が悪い甘えん坊のお姫様― そんな生徒×先生の他、擬態草食男子な部下に餌付けされる上司や学生同士の恋愛など甘い話から切ない話まで詰まった一冊!
Girls' Sideコミケ86
Set Discount Eligible Work

This work is eligible for the Set Discount Promotion.
Buy 3 or more eligible works to get a 65% OFF discount.

Teacher Classmate / Colleague Boss Salaried Worker Heartwarming Serious
  • Release date: Mar/20/2015
Oct. 11, 13:59 (JST) Discounted for a limited time.
DL Exclusive
Blonde Harem
110  JPY
220  JPY
50%OFF / 10pt (10%Earn)
Girls' Sideコミケ85
Set Discount Eligible Work

This work is eligible for the Set Discount Promotion.
Buy 3 or more eligible works to get a 65% OFF discount.

School / Academy Feminization
  • Release date: Jan/10/2014
Oct. 11, 13:59 (JST) Discounted for a limited time.
DL Exclusive
Still No Name
Blonde Harem
110  JPY
220  JPY
50%OFF / 10pt (10%Earn)
CP : 渚×怜  遙×真琴  真琴×遙
All the characters of the fanservice-laden boys swimming anime.
Girls' Side
Set Discount Eligible Work

This work is eligible for the Set Discount Promotion.
Buy 3 or more eligible works to get a 65% OFF discount.

Shota Swimwear School / Academy Heartwarming
  • Release date: Oct/02/2013
Oct. 11, 13:59 (JST) Discounted for a limited time.
DL Exclusive
Blonde Harem
110  JPY
220  JPY
50%OFF / 10pt (10%Earn)
大学で働く瀬戸内は、いつも通る帰り道で新しく出来た雑貨屋を見つける。 そのお店で見つけたあるモノが同僚の奈良に似ていて瀬戸内は…
Girls' Sideコミケ84
Set Discount Eligible Work

This work is eligible for the Set Discount Promotion.
Buy 3 or more eligible works to get a 65% OFF discount.

Moe Glasses School / Academy
  • Release date: Sep/01/2013
Oct. 11, 13:59 (JST) Discounted for a limited time.
DL Exclusive
Blonde Harem
110  JPY
220  JPY
50%OFF / 10pt (10%Earn)
体育祭の日、実行委員の玲二は朝6時の教室に寝袋で眠っている良春を発見する。 なぜ学校で寝ているのかを聞く玲二だったが、良春と話しているうちにあるハプニングが…
Girls' Side
Set Discount Eligible Work

This work is eligible for the Set Discount Promotion.
Buy 3 or more eligible works to get a 65% OFF discount.

Glasses PE Uniform Gag / Joke Slice of Life / Daily Living
  • Release date: Aug/30/2013
Oct. 11, 13:59 (JST) Discounted for a limited time.
DL Exclusive
Blonde Harem
110  JPY
220  JPY
50%OFF / 10pt (10%Earn)
休日の昼間に虎徹宅を訪れた何故か少し不機嫌そうなバーナビー。 虎徹が以前発言した内容で文句を言いに来たらしく…
Girls' Side
Set Discount Eligible Work

This work is eligible for the Set Discount Promotion.
Buy 3 or more eligible works to get a 65% OFF discount.

Heartwarming Serious
  • Release date: Jul/14/2013
Oct. 11, 13:59 (JST) Discounted for a limited time.
DL Exclusive
Blonde Harem
110  JPY
220  JPY
50%OFF / 10pt (10%Earn)
パーティーの衣装合わせにアニエスに呼ばれた虎徹、バーナービー、ス○イハイ。 しかしその衣装はどこからどう見ても女子高生が着るセーラー服で…
Girls' Side
Set Discount Eligible Work

This work is eligible for the Set Discount Promotion.
Buy 3 or more eligible works to get a 65% OFF discount.

Cross-dressing as a Woman Heartwarming
  • Release date: Jul/12/2013
Oct. 11, 13:59 (JST) Discounted for a limited time.
DL Exclusive
Blonde Harem
275  JPY
550  JPY
50%OFF / 25pt (10%Earn)
CP : バーナビー×虎徹
Girls' Side
Set Discount Eligible Work

This work is eligible for the Set Discount Promotion.
Buy 3 or more eligible works to get a 65% OFF discount.

Heartwarming Feminization Serious
  • Release date: Jul/10/2013
Oct. 11, 13:59 (JST) Discounted for a limited time.
DL Exclusive
Blonde Harem
110  JPY
220  JPY
50%OFF / 10pt (10%Earn)
CP : バーナビー×虎徹
Girls' Side
Set Discount Eligible Work

This work is eligible for the Set Discount Promotion.
Buy 3 or more eligible works to get a 65% OFF discount.

Heartwarming Serious
  • Release date: Jul/08/2013
Oct. 11, 13:59 (JST) Discounted for a limited time.
DL Exclusive
Blonde Harem
110  JPY
220  JPY
50%OFF / 10pt (10%Earn)
CP : 虎徹×バーナビー
ケンカして2週間も口をきいていない虎徹とバーナビー。 仲直りしたい虎徹とツンツンバニーのお話。
Girls' Side
Set Discount Eligible Work

This work is eligible for the Set Discount Promotion.
Buy 3 or more eligible works to get a 65% OFF discount.

Heartwarming Serious
  • Release date: Jul/06/2013
Oct. 11, 13:59 (JST) Discounted for a limited time.
DL Exclusive
Blonde Harem
110  JPY
220  JPY
50%OFF / 10pt (10%Earn)
一年ぶりに虎徹と再会したバーナビーは、自分の家で 騒いでいる虎徹を眠らせ、その隙に一年ぶりの虎徹の匂いを堪能することに。
Girls' Side
Set Discount Eligible Work

This work is eligible for the Set Discount Promotion.
Buy 3 or more eligible works to get a 65% OFF discount.

Heartwarming Serious
  • Release date: Nov/08/2012

About DLsite

DLsite is a 2D content download site specializing in doujinshi, manga, H games and more.

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A range of works by Blonde Harem is available!

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