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「A Slut by Her Side: Boyfriend to Sister ~How the Man who Stole my Girlfriend Turned me into his Slut~」 へのレビュー

    • 2024年05月16日
      It is a work of effective “feminization”, but whose outcome is too predictable. Even before the first ten pages everything was crystal clear to me.

      However, I enjoyed the downfall of the protaganist and, although I was hardly surprised by the ending, I felt bad for him/her at the end. And all the sadder Anri. Knowing her story, the ending no longer caused me excitement as such, but greater empathy for her with a bitter aftertaste.

      Despite its simplicity, this work manages to make us feel various, quite ambiguous, feelings.

      Bravo to the author and the translator, I hasten to go see their other works.
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