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「Isekai World Part 1 : Corrupt your NPCs with cock and cum! [Corrupt Edition]」 へのレビュー

    • Fairly straightforward porn indulgence. No gameplay. Just simply explore the world, find each NPC, and repeat the H scene a few times to corrupt them. Even the story doesn't concern you, you are very much just a visitor to a world that you can't even interact with in a non-lewd sense.

      The translation is a little rough, and even if the scene only sees a vaginal scene, it'll still use a canned line like swallowing down the girl's throat. The corruption levels do seem a little arbitrary, and even though most gain heart eyes, not all of them do. Perhaps a little icon, or a heart in a title, could make things more clear, but it's still very workable. The purple text box for corrupted characters is a nice touch, but some will have that at corruption level 3, instead of a full corruption.
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