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Avis pour NAKED☆PLUS

    • 30/11/2016
      J'ai adoré !
      This is my personal best this year.
      There are many game with outdoor exposure, but they are usually not the main focus of the game.
      In the other hand, Naked Plus' theme is exposure.

      There are no battles, completely focus on how the main character get expose herself. You can choose to avoid others or go completely wild. There are multiple s*x scenes when she get caught.

      The walking animation never gets old. She remain underwear-free for the whole game, and she will squad down when she find items.

      You are suppose to play the game over and over again. There are multiple endings, and some parameters will carry to the next round. The more round you play, you can unlock more features in the next round.

      You do not need to know the prequel, Naked Order, in order to enjoy this game. Naked Order is the reason why the main character turn out to be exhibitionist. It was very decent game which I bought long time ago.

      Anyway, this game is definitely my favorite, and I highly recommend this.

      4 utilisateurs ont trouvé cela utile.

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