Liste der Rezensionen vonkokofans

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Von 3 Einträgen 1~3 ter Eintrag
2024/05/29 23:59 (JST) Ende des Rabatts
DLsite Exklusiv
【耳かき&添い寝】圧倒的添い寝CD 〜天然真面目な先輩ちゃんにいっぱい癒されちゃう〜【CV:小原好美】
jyujyutto well-done / 小原好美
990 JPY 1,320 JPY / 5,84 € 7,78 € 25%OFF / 90pt (10%Sammeln)
Wholesome Heilung Binaural ASMR Sempai/Kohai Ohrenreinigung
  • Veröffentlicht: 02/07/2022
  • Verkaufszahl: 5,318
  • (1,532)
  • Empfehlung des Rezensenten!


DLsite Exklusiv
Dengeki G's magazine / 小原好美
1,760 JPY / 10,38 € / 160pt (10%Sammeln)
「しょにおや!」ASMRおやすみドラマ第11弾は、 世話焼き美容師・国府田理桜(CV:小原好美)と互いの自宅でプライベートなケアタイム♪
Wholesome Heilung Binaural ASMR Ohrenreinigung
  • Veröffentlicht: 26/09/2022
  • Verkaufszahl: 4,342
  • (1,316)


Her voice is suited for this type of script, and her personality makes her acting natural and relaxing. As the title describes, she is familiar with being a warmhearted and loving-to-help character, and the script is well designed to amplify this characteristic of her. The sound of the Q-tip in the ear is quite realistic, although a little bit more breathing sound during the ear cleaning part might be better, as it comes from real-life experience. Over all, nice product!

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DLsite Exklusiv
Shonioya! ~Issho ni Oyasumi Project~ Rio Soothes with Grooming Help
Dengeki G's magazine / 小原好美
1,760 JPY / 10,38 € / 160pt (10%Sammeln)
The sixth work in the Issho ni Oyasumi series! Spend some relaxing time with a caring beautician. (CV: Konomi Kohara)
Wholesome Heilung Binaural ASMR Ohrenreinigung
  • Veröffentlicht: 27/07/2021
  • Verkaufszahl: 7,843
  • (2,639)
  • Empfehlung des Rezensenten!


As always, her voice won't let you down. In this product, her voice acting is more of an older sister tone and her distribution of the tools and actions are fluent, and confident, and feels like she has been doing this for a long time. Which feels familiar because you see many of the cosmetic products in the "bag-check" in her radio broadcast. The role of an older sister-typed character is also fitting after the release of Kaguya radio. Great work!

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