
レビュアーランキング - (役に立った数:6)
投稿数ランキング - (総レビュー数:6)
6件中 1~6件目
【KU100】クールでブラコンな義妹はあなたを癒したい ~ツンデレ責め×とろとろ指耳かき~【男性受け/指耳かき/無声音囁き】【ASMR】
蛍日亭 / 眠音りま
550 / 50pt (10%還元)
【ツンデレASMR作品】クールでブラコンな義妹ちゃんが 指耳かき ローションマッサージ 無声音囁き で あなたの心を満たします。 ■キャラクターボイス 眠音りま様 ボイスは 高級マイク「NEUMANN / KU100」で収録! まるで本当にそこにいるかのような臨場感をご堪能ください!
癒し フェチ バイノーラル/ダミヘ ASMR 義妹 耳かき ツンデレ 男性受け
  • 販売日: 2024年03月02日
  • 販売数: 943
  • (142)
  • レビュアーオススメ!


A short, sweet, comfortable ear massage and cleaning work where you are healed by your tsundere sister and led into a peaceful sleep

Though it is only a short work (spanning around ~50 minutes) it is still a very soothing and relaxing experience which is definitely worth a listen - especially given the low price point

Your adopted sister - who has a large brother complex which she usually hides - will massage your ears, clean them with her fingers, then lull to sleep. If this is a work which sounds of interest to you, I'd definitely reccomend picking it up!


【なでなで&耳かき&添い寝】いっしょぐらし 〜クール彼女編〜【CV:田中美海】
じゅじゅっとウェルダン / 田中美海
1,320 / 120pt (10%還元)
健全 バイノーラル/ダミヘ ASMR 耳かき ラブラブ/あまあま 巨乳/爆乳
  • 販売日: 2024年02月03日
  • 販売数: 689
  • (2)
  • (122)
  • レビュアーオススメ!


As someone who suffers pretty badly with insomnia, and finds a lot of works completely useless for trying to actually sleep at night, this latest work by jyujutto well-done was a refreshing find

From beginning to end this work does an amazing job at helping you fall asleep - it remains relaxing throughout (without any sudden or loud noises to disturb your sleep) with an extremely soothing voice and very relaxing sounds

It's a work designed to heal you and help you get some sweet rest after a long day hard at work, and it does a perfect job at doing exactly that. I was especially pleased with the amount of affirmation it contained throughout to really help you settle down both mentally and physically


2024年05月08日 13時59分 割引終了
不眠男と空腹女【ピアノASMR CV:浅見ゆいさん/ 漫画原作:たけみつさん】
チームランドセル / 浅見ゆい
616 770 20%OFF / 56pt (10%還元)
たけみつ氏原作の人気漫画「不眠男と空腹女」の音声作品化。原作の追体験ができる3トラック+α 温泉旅館での耳かきトラック
健全 癒し バイノーラル/ダミヘ ASMR 少女 耳かき ラブラブ/あまあま ささやき
  • 販売日: 2024年02月02日
  • 販売数: 1,747
  • (9)
  • (308)
  • レビュアーオススメ!


I genuinely feel like Team Landsel always produce amazing, well written, products.

Thus, it should come as absolutely no suprise that I adored this latest work by them. Titled "The hungry girl and the Insomniac boy" (as a rather rough translation), this work is a sweet, gentle love story between you - an insomniac who happens to cook a lovely meal - and a sweet girl who wants nothing more than to eat your food and help you sleep in return

This work features one of Team Landsel's best soundtracks yet. The work is filled with a large variety of beautiful, relaxing soundtracks which will help you gently lull off into sleep as you are gently whispered to. In this case especially it works wonderfully, because rather than just being a backing track the piano is linked to the actual story itself (as the songs are meant to be audio files of the girl's own playing)

Regardless of whether you are looking for a wonderfully written love work or just an effective sleep aid this newest work by Team Landsel is the absolute perfect choice, and I cannot think of a single complaint to possibly give about the work. It's clear the amount of heart and soul that Landsel put into each and every one of their works, and they are without a doubt one of the best creators on the entire platform

Given the content I'd also say that this work is being sold at an extremely good deal, as I'd genuinely be willing to pay over double what it currently is considering how brilliant of a work it is

Thanks to Team Landsel for yet another amazing audio work. I continue to look forward to their future endeavours

1人 が役に立ったと答えています
2024年05月08日 13時59分 割引終了
癒しの森の家 / こりす
1,683 1,870 10%OFF / 153pt (10%還元)
健全 癒し バイノーラル/ダミヘ ASMR 先輩/後輩 耳かき ラブラブ/あまあま
  • 販売日: 2024年01月28日
  • 販売数: 3,189
  • (677)
  • レビュアーオススメ!


Ever since I first listened to their "Dream Eater Baku-chan" work, Healing Forest House has been one of my favourite SFW circles on the entire website, and it was a work that I listened to over and over again to sleep at night

However, this work - titled "Ear Cleaning Club" - has finally topped that work to become my new favourite SFW work. This work focuses around you being invited to join an Ear Cleaning Club in your school by a cute, young looking senpai of yours, and the peaceful days you experience in the club

This work is absolutely packed to the brim with high quality content (mainly focused around oil massages and ear cleaning), and when I say packed I mean PACKED. There is 10 hours of content in the main audio files alone, and an additional 8 hours of bonus content to listen to. Given that all of this audio is of an extremely high quality - and that one file alone is enough to help you get to sleep at night - it's safe to say that this purchase will last you a long time

Additionally, a lot of the main files in this work are centred around certain holidays (such as halloween, valentines and christmas). So if you're ever afraid of spending a holiday alone, this work will always be there to keep you company and lull you into a peaceful sleep

Korisu is an amazing voice actress - her voice is gentle, calming, and extremely sweet - making her a perfect choice for a work such as this one.

Overall I cannot put into words how great of a release this newest work by Healing Forest House is - and how they continue to consistently be one of the best circles found on DLsite. Though the price of this work may be slightly higher than the average work, it's more than justified given the amount of love they've put into this product

Please give it a purchase! I'm confident it's one you won't regret


Yostar / 藤井ゆきよ
1,320 / 120pt (10%還元)
萌え 癒し バイノーラル/ダミヘ ASMR
  • 販売日: 2024年01月21日
  • 販売数: 47,014
  • (4,901)
  • レビュアーオススメ!


For those who are unaware, this ASMR work is one of a series of ASMR works by Yostar featuring characters from their extremely popular (and fun) gacha game Blue Archive

This work specifically focuses on Kayoko from Problem Solver 68, a group well known for causing troubles across campus, and is set directly after her relationship event in the game (so for those who haven't played it yet, this ASMR may contain small spoilers!)

Kayoko is a personal favourite character of mine from the game, so I was honestly really glad to see her getting her own ASMR. The voice actor for her character does an amazing job at providing a relaxing, realistic experience where it truly just felt like I was spending a pleasant rainy evening with Kayoko

Though Yostar may be a gacha game company first and foremost, it is clear they still put a huge amount of effort into each and every one of the ASMR's they produce - the entire work has a very high production quality and is definitely one of the better ASMR's on the market at the moment

For that reason, even if you aren't necessarily a blue archive fan, I still reccomend checking this work out! As it still stands up amazingly as a standalone ASMR work even when you dont know the character (though the experience is definitely elevated if you *do* know Kayoko and the rest of Problem Solver 68)

Thank you Yostar for another great Blue Archive ASMR! I hope we'll continue to see more works like this one produced for other characters in the game


1人 が役に立ったと答えています
2024年05月08日 13時59分 割引終了
.␣ [Dot-Space] / 逢坂成美
616 880 30%OFF / 56pt (10%還元)
CV:逢坂成美 自身の内側に向かって、どこまでも深くトランスすることそのものを楽しめる催○音声
癒し バイノーラル/ダミヘ トランス/暗示ボイス
  • 販売日: 2024年01月15日
  • 販売数: 1,293
  • (3)
  • (296)


As someone who deeply loves trance works (especially because they are what introduced me to asmr and voice dramas as a whole), this latest work by Dot Space is the perfect example of how to make a relaxing, comfortable, entirely SFW work which lulls you into a deep trance - and is a work I enjoyed and reccomend greatly

I appreciate how the work includes a loopable track so that you can make the trance experience as long or short as you wish. This - combined with the fact that on it's own the work is rather short - means this work is perfect for listening to even if you don't have much time on hand while still being enjoyable during longer listens

Overall this is another great trance work by Dot Space! I'm very appreciative of them choosing to release an all ages trance this time round for when you wish to be put in a trance but do not feel like experiencing any adult content while doing so


4人 が役に立ったと答えています
