mike man's Review List

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Synthesizer V AI Megpoid
9,680 JPY / $62.61 USD / 264pt (3%Earn)
「Synthesizer V AI Megpoid」は、最新のAI技術を使用して開発された「Synthesizer V」専用の歌声データベースです。「中島愛」の声をベースに制作しており、中島愛の声質で透明感のある自然な歌い方を再現します。
  • Release date: Dec/20/2023
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I've used several different SynthV voices, and compared to others I'd say Gumi is good but not amazing. Her vocal modes are pretty lacking. It would've been nice for her to have vocal modes similar to her V4 voicebanks (Power, Whisper, etc.). It also doesn't sound like she has any extra English recording data. Her English XLS is similar to Teto's. Which isn't bad but I expect something more natural since Gumi has an English VOCALOID voicebank.

This doesn't mean I don't like her though! I think SynthV Gumi is the better AI version of her. I wouldn't say it should replace her in V4 and other versions. It's just another option for people to use. I recommend her if you're a Gumi fan, but I don't think she's a must-have for all SynthV users. A good thing about SynthV is the frequent updates, so I hope future versions address some of my minor complaints.

3 users found this helpful.
Synthesizer V AI Sora Haruno (Download Version)
9,680 JPY / $62.61 USD / 264pt (3%Earn)
「Synthesizer V AI 桜乃そら」は、声優「井上喜久子」の声を元に制作した、やわらかく優しい声質から低域の力強いクールなスタイルまで、幅広く抑揚豊かに表現できる歌声データベースです。
  • Release date: Aug/24/2023
  • (6)
  • (64)

I've only used her for about a week, but I'm happy with her so far! Her English XLS has been pretty good from what I've tried out. Her vocal modes are nice. Her Cool mode isn't as big of a difference from her default sound as it is in VOCALOID5, but I do prefer SynthV having one voicebank instead of having to purchase multiple banks. I don't know how to describe it, but her auto pitch tuning has a uniqueness to it that I haven't seen in the other SynthV banks I have. I like it. And you can try out her lite bank first before buying like AHS's other voices before buying!

Musical Isotope: KAFU (Starter Download Ver.)
20,900 JPY / $135.19 USD / 570pt (3%Earn)
深層学習等のAI技術を使い、声質・癖・喋り方をリアルに再現した新世代の音声創作ソフトウェア「CeVIO AI」にバーチャルシンガー「花譜」の音楽的同位体として生まれた可不(KAFU)が登場!
  • Release date: Jul/07/2021
  • (253)
  • Loved it!


This is my first time using CeVIO, so I was a little nervous buying this. The windows that pop up during the installation process are in Japanese, and I did have some trouble getting everything to work correctly since I don't speak the language. Once everything was set up though, the editor booted up in English and everything was fine. If you've used other vocal synth programs you should be able to learn this one without too much trouble.

I'm not sure how KAFU compares to other CeVIO AI voicebanks, but I do like her. The alpha setting doesn't anything as far as I can tell for her voice, so she's gonna sound like she inhaled 5 helium balloons no matter what. The voicebank is for Japanese but she can recognize English words and sing them (with an accent). I'd say get her if you really love the way she sounds.

Synthesizer V 弦巻マキ English AI
9,680 JPY / $62.61 USD / 264pt (3%Earn)
Synthesizer V専用歌声データベース「弦巻マキ」は、声優「田中真奈美」の声を元に制作した、アタックが速く、ハキハキと元気でかわいらしい声が特徴の英語版歌声データベースです。
  • Release date: Jun/18/2021
  • (1)
  • (25)
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Maki English AI is pretty cool! I guess with cross-language synthesis, it doesn't really matter if you buy Maki English or Japanese nowadays (as long as you have the Pro version of the SynthV editor)! Maki's autopitch is usually slightly out of tune on long notes. It's not hard to edit pitch at all, but she does require a bit more work to tune than other SynthV voices I own. She's definitely worth getting if you really like the specific sound of her voice!

Synthesizer V AI ついなちゃん ダウンロード版
9,680 JPY / $62.61 USD / 264pt (3%Earn)
Synthesizer V AI ついなちゃんは、声優「門脇舞以」の声を元に制作したAI版の歌声データベース(日本語)です。ふんわりした声質でありながらもリリースの歯切れがよく、ハスキーさが特徴です。
  • Release date: Nov/26/2021
  • (5)
  • (115)
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Tsuina-chan is very cute sounding! Her natural sound is very cutesy, but it's also possible to make her sound more mature if you want to do that. I haven't tried her much after SynthV Pro's 1.9.0 update, but I did notice her default sound was more mature compared to the previous version. But you can go back to previous update versions if you like how she sounds in one over the other. I've only used her in English so far, and I do think the 1.9.0 update improved her pronunciation.

I'd say get her if you've been thinking back and forth on it! I've been pretty happy with AHS's SynthV voicebanks so far!

Synthesizer V AI Karin Natsuki (Download Version)
9,680 JPY / $62.61 USD / 264pt (3%Earn)
「Synthesizer V AI 夏色花梨」は、声優「高木美佑」の声を元に制作した、伸びのある高音と幅広い音域が特徴的な歌声データベース(日本語)です。夏色花梨の声はPOPSやロックは勿論、オールジャンルにご使用頂けます。
  • Release date: Apr/13/2022
  • (7)
  • (257)
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Karin is pretty cool! I like to make songs in English, and her cross-lingual synthesis works well! Some people might not like the accent she has when singing in English, but she's still easy to understand and I think it's cute. I haven't used her in Japanese or Chinese. Her default voice settings are pretty high-pitched, so I prefer turning up her gender parameter. She can sing powerfully if you want to use her in that type of music.

Synthesizer V AI Teto Kasane (Download Version)
9,680 JPY / $62.61 USD / 264pt (3%Earn)
「Synthesizer V AI 重音テト」は、「小山乃舞世」の声を元に制作された全く新しいデータベースです。エイジレスで癖がなくまっすぐな歌声はどんなジャンルも歌いこなします。
  • Release date: Apr/27/2023
  • (8)
  • (231)
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Teto's new voicebank sounds great! Her voice is still recognizable on SynthV, but with a much more realistic sound than on UTAU. Her vocal modes have subtle changes compared to some other SynthV voicebanks out there. I've tried out her English cross-language and it's pretty easy to understand. She's definitely worth getting if you're considering trying out SynthV.