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    • I'm going to be as charitable as I can, given that the game is eleven-years old. To that end, I'll note that the animations are smooth, there is a LOT of variation in the H-scenes, and the art is pretty decent.

      Unfortunately... this game sucks as a *game*. The controls are amazingly unresponsive and horribly implemented; you can't turn around while crouching, but must stand up, face the other way, and then crouch again! They're sluggish, don't include combos or running or blocking, and the enemies' hitboxes are sometimes utterly incomprehensible. Your best bet is to power through the first half of the level, let yourself get killed by the boss, and then try again with full health. You're going to win by using your special attack; there's really no other easy way to do it. Unfortunately, re-doing the boss fights means listening to her entire spiel--and any reply by the enemy leader--every time you retry. It's annoying.

      It's a damn shame, because I *want* to like it. The enemies are well implemented, and I really like games that actually make you feel like you're getting overwhelmed from all sides. If only this one were more playable, it would be a huge winner. I'm giving it two stars 'cause the art is good, the heroine doesn't have stupid-huge balloon-tits, and the death-cry the monsters do is goofy as hell. Without those saving graces, this game would be a total pass. :/
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