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スピーカー向け 時短 音質向上エージング音 - Bluetooth カーオーディオ TV サウンドバー
- Sine, Triangle, Sawtooth, Square waves
- 各波形のスイープ音、モジュレート音、ノイズとの混成音
- White Gaussian, Pink, Brown noise
- モノラル
- 使用周波数 30Hz~45,000Hz (24bit/96,000Hz 制作)
* 手軽に利用できるmp3版も同梱しています。フォーマットの仕様上、20kHzが上限になりますが、一般的に流通している音源やアニメ、動画、ゲームなどはこの範囲内で制作されているため十分に効果を期待出来ます。
Q. 音を聞いている必要はある?
A. ありません。耳障りな音も流れるので音量調整後は聞かない事をおすすめします。
Q. 音が大きいほど効果的?
A. 機器によっては相当な音量で行っても問題無いため効果も若干高まる(早まる)事がありますが、不具合やバランス悪化のリスクもゼロでは無いため時間を掛けた方が安全です。
Q. 倍速再生すれば半分の時間で済む?
A. いいえ。馴染むまでには時間が必要です。 倍速再生すると効果も半減します。
Q. ヘッドホン・イヤホンにも使える?
A. 使えますがヘッドホン向けに最適化したエージング音も制作していますので、そちらをおすすめします。
Copyright c 2024 音と科学/otoka All rights reserved.
Special sound to improve speaker quality - Bluetooth speaker, car audio systems, Soundbar
This is a special audio track designed to unlock the potential of audio equipment using a variety of waveforms, frequencies, and noise sounds. It can enhance not only new devices but also those that have been used for some time, revealing capabilities you may not have noticed before. This process does not forcefully change the sound's character; if the sound seems to change, it means the equipment is nearing its true sound.
This audio is specifically optimized for small to medium-sized speakers, soundbars, and Bluetooth speakers, focusing on their size and frequency range. While traditional speaker aging may require tens to hundreds of hours, this track aims to accelerate the process, with noticeable changes possible in just a few hours. Please use it during times and in situations where it can be left playing without causing disturbance. Also, consider the presence of pets, as the noise might cause them stress.
**Usage and Volume Control**
Please set the volume low before starting playback and gradually increase it while checking the sound. The sound starts with a rising pitch that swells. Set the volume to the level you usually use or slightly louder, but it does not need to be excessively loud. Performing at a volume where the sound distorts or crackles can cause damage or worsen balance.
**Time Required**
Please play on repeat using the app or playback device.
The duration required can vary significantly between devices. Start with 30 minutes to an hour, then check the sound with music or videos you're familiar with. Some may notice changes within an hour. Once the sound ceases to evolve, the burn-in is complete. There's no need to do it all at once; you can split the process into 30-minute sessions or more, whenever convenient. Pausing midway is not a problem.
**Audio Details**
- Includes Sine, Triangle, Sawtooth, and Square waves
- A mix of sweep sounds, modulated sounds, and noise
- White Gaussian, Pink, and Brown noise
- Monaural, covering frequencies from 30Hz to 45,000Hz (produced in 24bit/96,000Hz)
A user-friendly MP3 is also included. Due to the specifications of MP3, 20kHz is the maximum output, but since most audio sources and videos are produced with 20kHz as the upper limit, it can cover these adequately.
Devices that have already experienced a wide range of sounds or those pre-aged by the manufacturer may not show a significant change. We cannot guarantee against any damage, harm, or accidents resulting from the use of this sound. Unauthorized copying, modification, or distribution of this audio is prohibited. This track includes signals for copyright identification.
Copyright c 2024 Ototokagaku/otoka All rights reserved.
(English product description provided by the creator.)