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A week ago I started playing Blue Archive mostly because of this ASMR.

Personally I did not like the sample from the Yuuka ASMR, so I decided to buy this since the voice seemed to match more of my personal tastes when it comes to ASMR.

I was surprised to see myself enjoy this more than I thought, its soothing and calming which helps me sleep, and having a collection mostly of Azur Lane ASMR, I will gladly now buy the Yuuka ASMR now that I have played the game for a bit.

I hope a Mika ASMR is in the works.


[Azur Lane ASMR] Commander Pampering Team! Friedrich der Große's Midnight Lullaby
アトリエメール / 生天目仁美
1,650 / 150pt (10%還元)
Who can pamper you best, my child? Such a debate is pointless.
萌え 癒し バイノーラル/ダミヘ ASMR 日常/生活 ささやき
  • 販売日: 2023年07月16日
  • 販売数: 1,102
  • (6)
  • (78)

I play Azur Lane and have this character.
Not a particular favorite but I got this because I trust ASMRs from Atelier-Mer.
I think the quality is good enough but only if you like her voice. Nothing against the voice actor, I think she did a phenomenal job, but this is not my personal favorite given the voice.
I mainly use ASMR to help with my insomnia so I prefer to listen to more whispering, high-pitched voices. This one is a bit on the heavier end, with sfx that are good, but are distracting.

So I use this when I want to nap, or close my eyes for a quick break.

