[ENG Ver.] I decided to use a matchmaking app!

  • [ENG Ver.] I decided to use a matchmaking app! [Translators Unite]
Date de sortie 03/05/2022
Auteur 柚木マチ
Format du produit
Format de fichier
Langues prises en charge

Résumé du produit


Mari had a crush on her senpai, but he graduated before she could ever confess. Now she's feeling down in the dumps.
On recommendation from one of her friends, she decides to try out a matchmaking / dating / hookup app and she ends up matching up with a guy that has a similar name to and the same age as her crush...

Mustering up some courage, she takes the first step of contacting him... but when they meet IRL...

31 main pages + cover + afterword = 33 total pages

Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/users/69471811

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