Mostrar reseñas de 「The beast in Love knows not of Romance (Part A)」

The beast in Love knows not of Romance (Part A)
770 JPY / 4,63 € / 70pt (10%Ganar)
Taking place 9 years after the events in "Maybe, Tomorrow's Nazuna is" (RJ404508). Nazuna starts to become aware of his feelings of love towards his master.
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Diligente (Sumisa) Amor de Chicos Orejas de Animales Piel Morena / Bronceada
  • Lanzamiento: 05/01/2018
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陰キャヤンデレストーカーくんと監禁ドロあまセックス [一片Lab]
陰キャヤンデレストーカーくんと監禁ドロあまセックス [一片Lab]
I've been waiting for a work such as this: always loved situational CDs with this premise and I'm relieved to finally have one in the BL genre where the listener's captor is the uke. 立知鼎-san does a wonderful job of not going too high and having a nice, bass-like speaking voice to really get the mood going. I'd love a sequel of this or even another work from this circle following the same scenario -- the "Case 01" in the PV makes me feel very hopeful  Габриель
どうやらうちのワンコが発情期を迎えたらしい [Yokodori Omelette rice]
どうやらうちのワンコが発情期を迎えたらしい [Yokodori Omelette rice]
Story is about an beast-kin adventurer who suddenly goes into heat and gets down and dirty. I Really loved the scenes it was insanely hot, very detailed, and would totally recommend this. I really would like to recommend this authors' work to anybody who happens to like BL, I promise you won't be disappointed, and I really hope there is more works like this one to come out in the  Deva12
【完全陥落×異形姦×記憶改変】触手苗床ダンジョン-袋小路でレベルドレインされてバカになっちゃう天才高飛車ヒーラーのルーくん-【KU100】 [Eisyodo]
【完全陥落×異形姦×記憶改変】触手苗床ダンジョン-袋小路でレベルドレインされてバカになっちゃう天才高飛車ヒーラーのルーくん-【KU100】 [Eisyodo]
This was my first time listening to Natsumeda-san work! As far as I know, this was his first R18 voice drama as well so I was really excited to listen to Natsumeda-san’s voice acting! Natsumeda-san plays as Lu-kun, a very cocky healer who comes from a prominent family. He is an arrogant, rude, and always looking down on others. One day, he happened to be lost in a deep jungle with no mana and no potion left. He encounters with a tentacle monster who surprisingly has a very gentle characteristic. The monster hates a cocky person like Lu-kun, so he decides to punish him, makes he know his place in whichever way he can. Once Lu-kun becomes more obedient, it turns out that the monster actually loves Lu-kun…. Lu-kun eventually becomes the monster’s wife! Although, this type of BL is not my thing, but I love listening to Natsumeda-san being a very mean person. Moreover, when he got tamed and he followed every order of the monster, I love how sexy and cute he is. Natsumeda-san’s licking, kissing, and moaning voices are so sexy! The ending was kinda very fantasy too. Kudos to Natsumeda-san’s amazing voice acting! It was worth it :)by  外国の蜜柑
囲 -カコイ- [a.m.]
囲 -カコイ- [a.m.]
Really a good experience, the yandere uke is extremely attractive and his moanings are amazing. I loved the short but nice playthrough. Though the ending is a bit confusing, I'd like to understand the story deeply, which wasn't the case. The beginning is really ambiguous, mainly because we don't know if the people we are following (the 4 firsts) are the same person we are going to be as the story flows. When I heard the news on TV, my mind got even more confused, since there were other people the uke lobotomized and killed. So, I don't think he loved us, but rather just wanted to use the protagonist as an substitute for his lost  Amazing!
社畜おじさん触手を買う [itsume]
社畜おじさん触手を買う [itsume]
아... 맙소사 일본어는 정말 기본만 할 수 있는데 전혀 걱정할 필요가 없습니다! 히라가나만 읽을 수 있다면 문제없다! 트위터에서 우연히 <가슴이 만져지는 샐러리맨과 수상한 안경> 그림을 보고 여기까지 왔습니다...기나긴 여정이었다. 그저 최고. 당장 구매하세요. VISA 카드만 있으면 어떻게든 구매가 가능합니다. 이것도 오디오드라마로 볼 수 있게 되었으면 좋겠어요(슬픈얼굴) 어떻게든 일본어로 번역했을 때 이상함이 없도록 한국어로 쓰고있습니다. 만약 번역이 이상하다면 이것 하나만 알아주세요. 최고.by  촉수좋아
Brainwash ~Nude Dancing at the Village Festival~ [asakawaya]
Brainwash ~Nude Dancing at the Village Festival~ [asakawaya]
安心と信頼のアホエロでしたね。サンプルや表紙を見て分かる通りはっきりいって絵は特筆して上手くは無いのですが逆にそれが良いですね。あまり綺麗すぎると芸術作品を見ているようで興奮しないって人もいますし、内容は頭を空っぽにして読みたいタイプの作品なのですがそのシナリオと絵のバランスが良いのだと思います普通に読めるし興奮できる絶妙なラインの画力と読みやすいものの考えて読んではいけないタイプのアホエロシナリオ…良いですね買って良かったです。by  tobiMURA
生配信!霊とSEX全部見せます。 [play-room]
生配信!霊とSEX全部見せます。 [play-room]
站著玩,坐著玩,趴著玩,還是幽靈好玩! 化身Live現場觀眾 收看瑟琴主播在線飛來飛去..(?) 畫面可愛又瑟琴 辛苦聲優的嗓子了... 非常惹人疼愛的聲音演繹!!by  弓長
零落騎士様は剣よりデカクリがお好き [ryou miyahama]
零落騎士様は剣よりデカクリがお好き [ryou miyahama]
cuntboy的クリ責め真的色到爆炸啊,没想到老师画了我一整个幻肢爆炸!!!!我的工地日语看剧情差点看笑了………剧情认真但我真的好想笑 总之喜欢cuntnoy的买就对了!!!by  楚江江江江江江江江
アプセトネデブ [BMTP]
アプセトネデブ [BMTP]
正直なところ勘違いして購入してしまった私ですが、思いのほか・・・と言っては失礼ですが、楽しませていただきました。ノベル形式の作品ですが、文章がとても読みやすく、文章量もそこまで多いわけではありませんのでサクサクとイケましたね。肝心要のエロ部分がなんというかとても生々しく、凄まじい威力を誇る反面好みが別れるかもしれません。間違いなくエロいんですけどね。by  yudan
After Being Shown Unimaginable Pleasure By an Orc for So Long, I... [Delicious Ass Cafe]
After Being Shown Unimaginable Pleasure By an Orc for So Long, I... [Delicious Ass Cafe]
大人気のオークシリーズの最新作です。 子供も産まれた幸せ夫婦の続編です。 可愛らしい絵柄なのにえろえろで、本当に最高です! 受けの子にも今回名前がついていました。 ねちっこいエロ描写が多くて詠んでいて楽しいです! 激しいのにラブラブでしあわせな気持ちになれます。 これからもぜひこのシリーズを続けていただきたいです!!by  おにくさん