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「Escape Dungeon 2 ~ 銀月蒼き狼 シュラル」 へのレビュー

オススメ! Hits the sweet spot in almost every category.

2024年03月19日   Throbby さん

このレビューは参考になった x 0人

Escape Dungeon II does just about everything it should. It's got challenging but-not-frustrating gameplay, good art, a solid translation, and satisfying H-scenes. There are no major issues, although the advancement screen can be a little squirrelly.

It's a standard get-stronger Roguelike: enter dungeon, fight stuff, get stronger, probably die. Level some stuff up, re-enter, and try again until you win. There's a good balance between costs and benefits, and you don't get too strong too fast. All of the abilities are useful - with one caveat - and you can use 'em in a variety of effective builds. You can focus on putting distance between you and the baddies, on hitting as hard as you can, on nerfing their damage... There are scads of different ways to beat the game, and it adds some nice replayability. The one outlier is Hawkeye, which is of limited use; it's trash at level one, but can be effective at higher levels, especially for builds with a good base attack stat.

The enemies are nicely done; there are eight different monsters (plus the boss and his final form), and each has several subtypes. It would have been nice to have a bit more variety, but it's good enough. Each has a series of 3 to 6 H-scenes unlocked when you're captured by a particular enemy, all of which are well animated and (very) slightly interactive, showing a corruption progression. While I'm not particularly into pleasure corruption, the scenes are well-written and effective, and I wish some mobs had more scenes, with better pacing. One glitch I noticed was that if you lose to poison, if no mobs are on-screen, it unlocks a second random scene when you die.

The art is really nice. Shunral has bigger boobs than she needs to, but they're not grotesque or anything, and everybody's drawn really well. Scenes are 2-D illustrated, while the game itself is kind of a cute, chunky 3-D chibi style. Both look good, and I've no complaints.

The translation is solid. Occasionally, there are typos or weird punctuation, but it's readable, and close to the original Japanese.

The only negative thing I have to say is that you have to be careful when buying abilities. It doesn't always show your new level after buying, so just exit the screen and come back so it updates. Don't keep clicking the buy button 'til you go negative, like I did!

All in all, I really like this one. Good replayability and nice art makes it a winner!

* は必須項目です)
