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Avaliações sobre Violent Witches: the Vindicator

    • Lots to say, and not much space, so I'll be terse.

      A case of the good, the bad, and the ugly. Solid enough to finish, and I enjoyed it, but there are near-fatal flaws.

      Good: Excellent music; hadn't heard it before. Great job updating dialogue as you progress; NPCs all over the map have new things to say often. Level and skill progression is interesting and effective. Character art is very well done.

      Story seems detailed and lovingly made; the themes seem to focus on change and belonging, on making relationships and letting go. The writing would be a strength, but the English is SO spotty. Still, lots of memories to unlock on the map, lots of changes to the world between events, and an interesting level-up system mean it's fun to play, if you like exploring traditional JRPG worlds.

      Bad: Equipment has small effect, and cost-to-benefit is haphazard. Poor scaling in this game; leveling up doesn't seem to affect damage taken/given, but does unlock more powerful magic and abilities.

      Translation is rough, ranging from crystal-clear, to "need to know a bit of Japanese to figure it out" to "What? WHO IS TALKING?!" Especially after boss fights, the speaker is often frustratingly unclear, which really lessens the impact. Can't revisit memories or convos, either.

      Last battles are stupidly hard. Penultimate boss fight is extremely difficult, but doable. Final fight and epilogue are crazy hard; you may need to grind for the first time. Stock up on items!

      After epilogue, NPC dialogue updates, but I haven't found an event or memory to wrap things up further.

      Ugly: World has good detail in terms of construction, but it's ugly. Backgrounds are a very weird texture, and it can be hard to know where you can walk. 3D movies are okay, but not integrated into the game, and really show off technical limitations of the software. Monster design is okay; on-map sprites are weird, and the battle versions are odd, too. They move in a jerky and distorted way, which is a bit clumsy, but also somewhat effective and unsettling.

      Conclusion: This game deserves better translation and polish. There's a good story in there somewhere, and there were times where I was really feeling it. But the grindy feel of combat, the inability to revisit memories, and the unclear dialogue really took away from the game. The parts of the story that you glean are tantalizingly interesting, but ultimately incomplete.
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