[ENG Ver.] The Way of Letyesse VOL.3

  • [ENG Ver.] The Way of Letyesse VOL.3 [Translators Unite]
Release date Sep/23/2023
Author 向正義
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Product summary

Long, long ago...
The divine goddess Letyesse and wicked devil Verwhem fought an epic battle.
Their strengths matched, they clashed head on and exploded into limitless fragments of "power" which rained down upon and scorched the earth.

However, this was not the end of their feud... Its players merely changed.

A fraction of that godly power had sprinkled on mankind...
and the curtains rise on the next bloody chapter of history---

---The human wars.

Sharon, an apostle of Letyesse, rushes to her hometown upon receiving news of the appearance of Verwhem's underlings. What nefarious trap awaits her----?

28 pages total
x 2 (low quality and high quality versions)

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