
  • 【韓国語版】聖天淫堕 [Translators Unite]
Release date Jan/30/2024
Author イカめし
Scenario イカめし
Illustration イカめし
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Product summary

An apprentice angel descends from the heavens with a mission to defeat the demons that are running rampant throughout the human world. There, she happens to become friends with a human girl named Naho, and fulfills her heavenly ordained mission while nurturing her newfound friendship.

One day, however, a powerful deviless appears before the two, and the apprentice angel is caught.
Wishing to turn the angel into her very own pet, the deviless modifies the angel's body. turning her into a futanari dickgirl. Then, the deviless squeezes and cumsucks the dick slingin' angel girl with various lascivious sex techniques!

In the face of unknown pleasures, the desire to blow her load like never before and experience ever more pleasure, buds in the angel's heart. Nonetheless, she endures the days of sexual discipline in hopes that one day she will be reunited with her best friend Naho, but...

32 main pages + 4 character bio pages

Update information

The translated work on this page may not be the latest version. Please check the date of release from the translators list.
  • Jan/05/2024
    Content added

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