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[ENG TL Patch] Emma the Alchemist's Debt Story

  • [ENG TL Patch] Emma the Alchemist's Debt Story [Moe Workshop]
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[ENG TL Patch] Emma the Alchemist's Debt Story [Moe Workshop]
Circle Moe Workshop
Release date Dec/06/2023
Illustration kageli
Voice Actor 杏子御津 / あかしゆき / 陽向葵ゅか / かの仔 / 涼花みなせ / 大山チロル / 藤村莉央 / みもりあいの / 御崎ひより / 柚木つばめ / 逢坂成美 / そらまめ / 柚木朱莉 / 沢野ぽぷら / MOMOKA。(柚木桃香) / 秋山はるる
Product format
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Supported languages
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Ai Translation
Necessary Settings The application may not function unless a Japanese language pack is set properly in your PC / the System Locale is set to Japanese. For more details, please refer to [ How can I set my system locale to Japanese? ] on the Frequently Asked Questions page.

Product summary

AI Translation Patch!

[ENG TL Patch] Emma the Alchemist's Debt Story [Moe Workshop]

"AI Translation" is a project that utilizes machine translation tools to help non-Japanese speakers enjoy Japanese games.

The UI translation has been checked by a generous volunteer, just to make sure nothing hinders your experience!

The patch is very easy to apply, so you can easily change the game's language.

This AI translation patch was created based on the version of the PC game data as of November 1, 2023.

Please send any inquiries regarding the patch to the helpdesk.

Contents: English-language AI translation patch, original Japanese restoration patch, patch application manual.

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This is a patch for "錬金術師エマの借金返済物語" ( RJ01026771 ).

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"To repay her debts, the girl has to work."

Emma is the local alchemist of Echichi Town.
She lived a happy life... until the day her mother passed away.
Her mother who was loaded with debt.
Now it's up to Emma to pay it all off! What clever ways can she think of to raise the funds...?

[Game Details]

13 endings featuring the different characters Emma gets to know along the way! Some of them aren't so nice...

112 full-screen CGs (1280x720)
6 battle CGs (640x720)

There are also lots of variations!

Also includes 1 all-ages illustration.

AI was not used in the creation of these CGs.

Over 200 H scenes!

Around 80% of them feature main character Emma.
There are a few, however, that feature side characters.

This game features over 2500 lines of voice work.
Apologies, but there were too many scenes to fully implement voices.

Compatible OS: Windows
Resolution: 1280x720

Includes erotic status changes!
There are over 30 different characters who want Emma's virginity!
You'll be able to see her first on the status menu.
She doesn't, however, have to lose her virginity.

The gallery can be fully unlocked right from the start!

This game also features skipping, auto-scrolling, a text log, the ability to hide the message window, etc.

Most enemies have H scenes.

Emma can also lose on purpose, so it's easy to get all the scenes.

Enemies are also visible on the map.

Finally, there's a New Game+ option after you beat the story once.

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