
119件中 71~80件目
/ 70pt (10%還元)
着衣 女主人公 魔法使い/魔女 ファンタジー すやすやえっち 中出し 命令/無理矢理 触手
  • 販売日: 2020年07月31日
  • 販売数: 10,462
  • (3,595)


It's not bad at all. It's pretty short, taking maybe an hour or two to complete, and it's very simple. Basically, you walk around a first-person dungeon, bonking things with your staff, and using potions to heal yourself and zappy magic to eliminate particularly pesky baddies. As lewd things happen to you, your character gets weaker and weaker, and the last stage of the game is actually a little touch-and-go.

The English translation is very good, and the voice acting (which is only in Japanese) is decent. There are only five or six kinds of enemies, and defeat just earns you a game-over screen and a jump back to your last auto-save; the only H-scenes are scripted events that happen at specific places.

There are four scenes total, and all of them are pretty goofy; all of 'em fall into the "heroine enjoys some non-consensual sex" category. The graphics are alright, although her boobs are pretty ginormous, with commensurately large nipples, and the scene writing isn't too bad.

All told, if any of that seems even slightly interesting, you could do worse than picking this game up--especially if you find it on sale.

1人 が役に立ったと答えています
/ 10pt (10%還元)
女主人公 中出し 屈辱 合意なし 触手 潮吹き 獣耳
  • 販売日: 2021年11月29日
  • 販売数: 3,803
  • (1,428)


This isn't a timeless classic, with a compelling story and crazy-good gameplay. It's a twenty-minute top-down adventure game, where you control a sheep lady as she goes around stabbing things with a pointy stick in search of a flower, a cluster of crystals, and a fairy.

Jellybeans heal you, blue vines drop your lustometer, and everything that moves wants to bonk you or have sex with you. Pretty straightforward, right?

You beat each of the three stages, and you unlock a little mini gallery. One of the very few complaints I have is that when you watch the game-over scenes, the game treats it like an actual game over, and you have to re-load the gallery from the main menu when you wanna see a different scene. Minor quibble.

Honestly, for the price, there's no reason not to get it, just to try it out.


2人 が役に立ったと答えています
/ 150pt (10%還元)
Control the protagonist to avoid monsters and escape from the bizarre realm in this side-scrolling stealth game.
少女 制服 ホラー 中出し 異種えっち 黒髪
  • 販売日: 2019年05月23日
  • 販売数: 1,306
  • (4)
  • (118)

I'm not somebody who shies away from hard games; usually, when they've got selectable difficulty, I choose to start on the hardest mode I can.

This game is ridiculously difficult. Not because you've gotta be good at it, or because it has fiendish puzzles, though. Simply because it's a run-and-jump/run-and-hide kind of game with absolutely no room for error. The action animations are slow, the protagonist has low stamina, and if you don't do everything just right within a vanishingly small window of time, you lose. It wouldn't be so bad if it was like, "Lose, lose, lose, AHA! That's what I need to do! Win!" Rather, it's "Lose, but I see what to do! Lose, lose, lose, lose, lose, lose again, and then finally get the timing right and win."

And even when you get the timing right, sometimes the game lies. It tells you helpful hints like, "Hey, throw rocks and it will distract enemies!" Nope, not when you really want it to. I tried several times to use the rocks to distract some level-two slugs, and finally just ran through the area, and got killed by the next monster, a mummy with a lightbulb for a head. Fortunately, when I continued, all the mega-slugs chasing me were gone, leaving me with lightbulb man.

I really want to like this game more than I do. The animations are fair-to-good, the enemies are creatively designed, and the ambient sounds are appropriately creepy. Ultimately, though, it's a hollow experience. Too much atmosphere, not enough substance, and the challenge of the game--do the thing just so, in a hurry, with very little room for error--is not my cup o' tea.


3人 が役に立ったと答えています
Fiendish Magical Girl Rinne ~Loathsome Lewd Degeneration~ [English Ver.]
/ 240pt (10%還元)
The power of magic is all for myself! Erotic transmission HQ VALKYRIA presents to you, in ENGLISH, an orthodox magical girl r*pe adventure carried out by a fiendish magical girl herself!
魔法少女 中出し 屈辱 合意なし 触手
  • 販売日: 2019年03月22日
  • 販売数: 1,371
  • (3)
  • (121)

I was all set to absolutely love this one. It's a pretty straightforward visual novel, with a couple of branching choices close to the finale that can lead you to three different endings, and it takes its time building up to the action. That's actually nice; the slow start lets you really get a feel for the characters and their personalities, and the stellar voice-acting really sells it. As another reviewer mentioned, the difference between Rinne's internal monologue and her halting stutter when speaking with others is particularly well done. On top of that, the translation is really nice, with no machine-translated slop to wade through.

So far, so good. The first battle between the magical girls is nicely paced, the action is good, and the way it shakes out is plausible. With the good girl defeated, it's time for the humiliation and plundering.

And oh, my, but that first scene is good. Really, really good. The dialogue and interactions are fantastic, the assault is cruel (but not savage; this game rarely enters even ryona territory), and the aftermath is nice.

I'm all set for this to be a winner.

Then, the second battle. Still paced well, written well, the action is good... and the defeat scene is pretty okay. Not as good as the first, but still pretty terrible (for the heroine!) and it's kept my interest.

After that, though... Meh. While the writing and acting are still good, the third battle is where you start getting into the "Oh, this rape feels so GOOD!" thing, which I personally hate. Granted, there are some mind-control elements and tentacle-slime aphrodisiacs that help explain the orgasms, but it's not perfect. Worse, all of the final few scenes have some element of, "Aaaah! I feel like I'm pooping everywhere" which is hugely unappealing to me. While there is no actual scat (thank the gods!), the constant talking about it is a big turn-off. And there's no good end. This is not a huge deal-breaker, but it would have been nice if they'd played around a little more with the glimmers of humanity that Rinne displays early on.

All told, this one isn't bad, but it's not quite my cup of tea. I don't think it's worth full price, but if you enjoy people talking about feeling like they have to shit themselves while they get off on being raped, you'll love this one.

1人 が役に立ったと答えています
/ 120pt (10%還元)
A Sexual Trap Game that you can play with just only mouse.
首輪/鎖/拘束具 おもちゃ 拘束 閉じ込め 触手 機械責め
  • 販売日: 2017年04月24日
  • 販売数: 652
  • (3)
  • (132)


The first thing to say is that this game relies very, VERY heavily on machine translation. Sometimes to the point of being difficult to understand--especially as the documentation is poor. You're going to have to figure out how to play on your own, more or less; still, it's straightforward enough that it's not an exercise in frustration.

It's kind of a shame about the dialogue, too, 'cause it's pretty good, for the most part; it's funny, and not just because of laughably poor auto-translation. The story is serviceable, but nothing fancy, and the set-up is a little goofy, but it's still good fun.

The sex is machines, traps, and yuri; there's a lot of forced orgasms and bondage, but no brutality.

Gameplay is simple, but can be fiendishly difficult. Basically, you wander around, pick up treasure, and fall prey to various traps. Each trap is some kind of erotic attack, and when your heroine orgasms, she loses a heart. When the hearts are gone, it's game over!

When a trap goes off, you get an equation, or a "Which is the 3 largest number?" (that, by the way, means the "third largest"), and you have eight options to choose from. It's wicked hard, because you might see a group of options like: "10, nine, 14, 13, XV, II, 1, three." Except there are ALSO kanji numbers--if you don't know your Japanese digits, you're going to have a hard time in the later stages of the game. Fortunately, most of the problems aren't TOO hard, although you're going to get whacked with toughies like "9 * X * 14 = 756" and there is nowhere near enough time to figure it out.

And when you get an answer wrong, your sensitivity % goes up. This is actually the coolest mechanic in the game, because as that number gets bigger, you take more damage from traps. Moreover, some of the increase is permanent--which means you carry it through the rest of the game. Mess up too many traps early on, and you'll be struggling hard to make it through the later, longer stages, with harder problems to solve. Fortunately, you can get skills or items that help mitigate the fast timer and lingering effects.

All told, this was a surprisingly fun title, with really good cutscenes and clever traps. As a bonus, you get some nice features when you beat the game, including the ability to choose which traps are in a custom dungeon, some story content, and a gallery. I got it for 70% off, and it was a total steal; it's not a bad deal, even at full price.

THE Lingerie Regaining
/ 10pt (10%還元)
In order to solve a lingerie thieving incident which happened in an average academy, a beautiful member of the council Sae and her friend Tomo work on it.
アニメ セーラー服 学校/学園 格闘 合意なし 回し
  • 販売日: 2018年08月25日
  • 販売数: 434
  • (3)
  • (46)

This one is a pretty mixed bag. The dialogue is acceptably translated, and it's kind of funny--a little ridiculous, but funny. The gameplay is very basic; you can jump, or kick. No jump-kicks, no crouching kicks, no weapons. Level design isn't terrible; it's bizarre (one level has giant tacks scattered around that hurt if you walk on them, and another has an amusing environmental hazard that I'll let you discover for yourself) but effective; one level, in particular, has good design, with a number of switches that pop platforms in and out of existence. To successfully navigate, you have to remember where some platforms were, and aim for them, flipping the switch in mid-air. It's a nice touch, which adds a little difficulty to an otherwise extremely easy game.

H-scenes are okay--but I kept running into a bug where, on one level, all I got was a black screen, and pushing any key restarted the game. Also, you have to lose three times on a level before you get to the game-over screen; I actually had to come back and double-check that this game had any adult content at all, since I never actually lost during my first play-through. There are a couple of enemies that will grapple you for in-game assaults, which are nicely animated, but the loop is short, and there's an obvious reset transition that briefly interrupts the cycle.

All in all, it's short, cheap, and moderately fun. If you've got a couple extra bucks lying around, you could spend it on worse stuff; just don't expect amazing things from this one.


Magic & Slash - Riru's Sexy Grand Adventure -
/ 240pt (10%還元)
A sword and sorcery action RPG from Lunasoft!
ファンタジー 魔法 パイズリ フェラチオ 触手 異種えっち
  • 販売日: 2020年01月17日
  • 販売数: 1,118
  • (4)
  • (112)

There are a lot of things I loved about this title. It's a pretty good D*ablo-style game, and the length is good for a hentai hack-n-slasher. It took me around 20 hours to complete the first run-through, after which you get the option for a "New Game+" with increased difficulty.

There are two classes available: fighter and magic-user. Either one is perfectly capable of finishing the game; the caster will struggle with mana early on, and the fighter will need tons of healing in the early end-game. All of the skills are useful, depending on play style, but you have limited hotkeys, which means it's better to focus on a few abilities rather than going for jack-of-all-trades. Difficulty is well-calibrated, too; each new act is challenging, right up to the end.

The key to victory is your gear. Higher-level items have a wider range of special abilities available, and you can use alchemy to change one of those attributes. It's a total crap-shoot, though, since the re-roll is completely random. Still, it's effective, and I found myself using it often.

The story is very solid, too. The voice-acting is... decent, although it suffers from inconsistent volume. There are four voiced characters, one much louder than the others, and one almost inaudible. Even if you tweak the levels, it can be hard to hear the voices, which is a shame, 'cause the acting is otherwise good. Some scenes are not fully voiced, though, and that's disappointing.

There were a couple of things I did NOT like, though. The H-scenes are repetitive, with four sets of CGs but eight scenes. This is a damn shame, because the ones with Riru are actually really well-written. Some words are clunky, but overall, the scenes are sexy and the dialogue is realistic (and hot). I think some scenes could be ordered differently; for instance, blowjob comes before handjob in the story, which is a bit odd. Also, each class has its own series of H-scenes, which means some incongruous dialogue if you switch back and forth.

And one big thing. The male NPC is the sex focus, rather than the PC. This isn't a huge deal, but there IS some completely unnecessary incest thrown in. If, like me, that's not your thing, do not accept any of Tanya's side-quests. I was really disappointed in that. :/ Also, Tanya's boobs are stupid, un-sexy, ridiculously gigantic.

All in all, though, it's a good one. Nice story, good gameplay, and a decent price.

1人 が役に立ったと答えています
無料 専売
[FREE] [Live2D] [All-Age] Your Waifu Foxgirl Konko [English Ver.]
Now Available for Free! "Your Waifu Foxgirl Konko ~Every Day is Like a Honeymoon~"
萌え 癒し オールハッピー おさわり きせかえ アニメ 人外娘/モンスター娘 獣耳
  • 販売日: 2021年07月27日
  • 販売数: 28,855
  • (9)
  • (632)

...but this one was good enough that I went ahead and sprang for the full-on, pay-for-it version. The voice acting really is superb, and the female lead is pretty cute--not just physically, but in attitude and personality, too. She's not TOO much of a stereotype, not a two-dimensional cardboard cutout of a character, and there's enough interesting stuff, in terms of the story and other characters, to keep you engaged.

Fair warning, I didn't play it through especially far, because I quickly decided to get the expanded version. But if you're into these kinds of games, I think you'll like Konko.

And for what it's worth, I don't think you need to get the "adults-only" version, even if you're a grown-up. From what I saw, this could be a perfectly satisfactory PG-13 experience. :)

/ 80pt (10%還元)
敵から受けたダメージを、主人公の特性「エナジードレイン」で 魅了したモンスターにH攻撃。ライフを吸い取って回復しながら進む形のアクションゲームです。
人外娘/モンスター娘 誘い受け ファンタジー 淫乱 逆レ 畜えち
  • 販売日: 2013年10月16日
  • 販売数: 6,020
  • (2,553)


I... kinda like this game, actually. There's one really good thing, and one kinda off-putting thing, and most of it is just "good 'nuff, but nothin' special."

It's not that it's bad--far from it--but it's just nothing spectacular, for the most part. The sex is perfectly fine, although nothing amazingly well done or new. The gameplay itself is straightforward in terms of mechanics (jump, shoot lovey hearts at bad guys, smack things with your tail) and objectives (Hey, go this way! Now, go that way more! Aaaand fight ze boss!). The music is pretty alright, but not mind-blowingly catchy or anything.

I beat the game in a single sitting, with no game-overs, and it took me maybe 80 or 90 minutes. The replay value is pretty close to zero; it's one of those platformers you'll maybe pick up every few years just 'cause it didn't suck.

So what *did* stand out? Two things. First, the mildly unpleasant one. In at least two of the "defeated boss scenes," said boss has a very, very, VERY angry-looking anus. Like, in one case, it's mostly covered up, so it's no big deal. But in the other one... hoooooo, boy. It's like a giant, bulgey, raging Satan Donut. And the whole thing is exacerbated by the fact that there's this weird fish-eye-lens effect (just for this one scene!) and some crazy f*cked-up perspective, so it's literally the focal point of the screen, glaring at you in insane fury, while all other body parts shrink into tiny insignificance at the sides of the picture. It's really, truly, unpleasant. Which sucks, 'cause the rest of the art, honestly, is pretty good.

But I wanna end on a good note, so let's talk about the other noteworthy thing: the voice acting. It's honestly excellent. Every character has their own voice--and more importantly, they've all got their own accents and mannerisms and everything. It really brings the scenes and dialogue to life.

And for those of you with any Japanese skills, the story's kinda fun, too. I'm not fluent, by any means, but I could suss out enough to enjoy some of the interactions... and the ending's pretty funny.

Anyway, I think it's just about worth the money, if you like sexy platformers. 3/5 -- good, but nothing special.


/ 30pt (10%還元)
おもちゃ 魔法少女 屈辱 拘束 触手
  • 販売日: 2018年06月25日
  • 販売数: 4,505
  • (2,292)


Not great, but not awful. The music is nice, the art is alright, the voice-acting is not grating. It's a touch game without any detailed animations, which is a bit of a bummer; the girls in this series are fairly nicely drawn, but there's just really not much here to recommend the Magical Jewelry Primula Whatever series. They're short, and not much happens in them, aside from some meters going up and down and the (mostly) still animation changing a couple of times.

