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「『彼氏いない歴=年齢』じゃ、どうしてイケナイのよ!? ~聖トレア学園恋愛禁止令~ FullHD版」 へのレビュー

The best game for shota lover

2023年08月17日   抜きゲの帝王 さん

このレビューは参考になった x 0人

This game is about a protag having steamy relationships with the heroines at school. I found all the characters very unique and quirky which made the ero scenes insanely hot. I especially like the act of all the voice actors in the game and would like them to voice act as well in the next title .
What i specifically liked about the ero scene , is the milking scene. I enjoyed watching the protag sucking all the heroines tits.

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