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Reviews for  [Live2D] [R18] Your Waifu Foxgirl Konko - Furfect Edition - [English Ver.]

オススメ! Great interact-with-your-waifu game

Oct/04/2021   Diogene

このレビューは参考になった x 0人

If you want a game to build-up intimacy with your waifu this is the right title for you.
Konko is a cute foxgirl you want to spend time with, each day in colorful animated Live2D situation. There's a ingame shop for customization and dialogue are voiced.
I can consider the game like a "trainer" type of game but without the stats growth and focused on the relationship with the character.
I suggest to play a couple of ingame days at a time to maximaze the longevity of the game.

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