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「VIPER F40」 へのレビュー

オススメ! This is a classic.

2024年01月10日   Throbby さん

このレビューは参考になった x 0人

レビュアーが選んだジャンル :

This is one of the first hentai games I ever encountered. I'm glad it still holds up today; the graphics are perfectly fine, fairly smooth and nicely detailed. The story has a solid plot, the H-scenes are well-written and -executed, and the voice-acting is excellent.

There are a couple of hiccups, though, trying to run this on a modern set-up. I could never get the volume to work quite right; no matter which slider I moved, it seemed to change the voice and music levels together. That's a real problem, because the music too-often drowns out the actors--which is a shame, 'cause they do such a good job.

Also, be aware that this is basically a VN, but with lots of choices. If your Japanese isn't up to par, you'll have a hard time figuring out what to do to advance the game--and you'll miss out on all the good story bits, too. There never was an English translation released, although you can find synopses that will help you follow the plot.

For a game this old, the price is a little high; still, I think it's worth it to pick up on sale. If you can read Japanese well enough to navigate the choices, if you like Sogna games, and if you enjoy the kinds of scenarios F40 has to offer, pick this one up!

* は必須項目です)
