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「BlazingAngel Mistletear [Complete Edition]」 へのレビュー

オススメ! So good!

2024年05月13日   Throbby さん

このレビューは参考になった x 0人

Space is limited, so I'll keep most of this brief. The first thing to note is that the production value is awesome. Music is adequate, voice-acting is good, gameplay is smooth. The writing is pretty decent, too.

The game is difficult, but not too much so, and the difficulty levels scale up nicely. Enemies are varied and challenging, and mostly well done. The only thing I don't like is how guys with lasers hit you instantly; the beam shoots across the screen, but you get hit long before it reaches you. The Queen fight is particularly difficult because her laser buddies shoot very fast, fly, and regenerate. If she gets a bead on you early, you can lose a ton of health without even being able to get close.

Scenes are well-written, generally involving pleasure corruption, and the voice-acting is pretty solid. Many of them are VERY long, though, and the game-over scenes are just interminable. It's not uncommon for there to be ~150 text boxes to click through, although most of those are short. Mind you, it's not that the scenes are bad; if anything, it's more like too much of a good thing. And they do a good job of avoiding too much use of "meat spear" or the like, although I gotta say that "Pew pewwing" is a ridiculous way to translate cumming on/in someone.

There's also a certain amount of that unique Japanese tendency to "broaden" the appeal of a work by including as many damn fetishes as possible. This one's got family stuff, peeing, stinky disgusting unwashed penis... And then pregnancy fucking, more peeing, cum-guzzling, more peeing... There's also a lot of sis-con; fortunately, not as much as I would have figured, based on the intro.

Most of those... more "niche" fetishes don't get a lot of airtime. Almost every CG scene has peeing in it, but at least it's not all "I'm having sex or an orgasm so my bladder just randomly explodes." It does make me wish, though, that game designers understood better how squirting and bladder-control actually work. It's extremely difficult to avoid the content entirely, and need it to complete all the extras and galleries.

All told, I've played this thing through at least five or six times on different difficulties. It's *fun*, and the galleries/scenes do their job nicely. It's well worth the money to pick this one up!

* は必須項目です)
