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「ゴブリンズレイパー~妖精弓手×輪姦&触手~」 로의 리뷰

オススメ! A really good tentacle doujinshi

2017년 06월 14일   garglub

このレビューは参考になった x 1人

I am a fan of the circle Kleitos, particularly their tentacle works. I really like the style of the drawings and the emphasis on the girls' expressions.
Regarding this piece in particular, it is about an elf archer who gets abducted by goblins. They have their way with her until a bigger goblin with tentacle appears and steals the show. As usual, the elf gives in to the pleasure and becomes a willing victim of her fate. The action is quite messy without being too hardcore.
I definitely recommend you pick this piece up.

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