irorichirori's Profile

Doujinshi, ASMR and Games by [irorichirori] are available now on DLsite!

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Discount ends Jul. 8, 23:59 (JST)
My Dumbass Classmates Play With My Sex-Changing Body
77 JPY 770 JPY / $0.48 USD $4.82 USD 90%OFF / 7pt (10% Earn)
My body is changing every day... sex changing, that is! And the absolute worst guys in my class have found out about it...
Otoko no ko Cross-dressing as a Woman Feminization Sex Change / Transsexual Internal Cumshot Discipline Ordered / Compelled Black Hair
Purchased: 1,906
Discount ends Jul. 8, 23:59 (JST)
Fem Dad - I'm Turned Into My Son's Friend's Fem-gasming Girlfriend
88 JPY 880 JPY / $0.55 USD $5.51 USD 90%OFF / 8pt (10% Earn)
I am blackmailed by my son's best friend, forced to cross-dress and taught the pleasures of fem-gasming...
Otoko no ko Cross-dressing as a Woman Gay Anal
Purchased: 4,476

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DLsite is a 2D content download site specializing in doujinshi, manga, H games and more.

There's plenty of content for both PC and mobile device users!

A range of works by irorichirori is available!

New products are added every day!